You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

50 lines
1.2 KiB

* @Descripttion: 设定功能的其他未能分类的接口
* @version:
* @Author: Lone
* @Date: 2021-12-08 21:49:12
* @LastEditors: Lone
* @LastEditTime: 2021-12-12 14:35:22
// import Axios from '../utils/axios-util-setting'
import Axios from '../utils/axios-util'
"caller": "crm-web",
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
let authBase = 'api/partner/';
export default {
queryList: params => { //查询角色详情接口
//BASE_PARAMS.param = params;
let updateParams = {
"caller": "crm-web",
"param": {
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
console.log("editCustomerActivity updateParams", updateParams)
return Axios.POST(authBase + 'role/queryList', updateParams);
queryDetail: params => { //查询角色列表接口
BASE_PARAMS.param = params;
return Axios.POST(authBase + 'role/queryDetail', BASE_PARAMS);
updatePermissions: params => { //编辑角色权限接口
//BASE_PARAMS.param = params;
let updateParams = {
"caller": "crm-web",
"param": params,
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
console.log("editCustomerActivity updateParams", updateParams)
return Axios.POST(authBase + 'role/updatePermissions', updateParams);