You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.2 KiB

* @Descripttion:
* @version:
* @Author: Cynthiar
* @Date: 2021-11-17 11:56:56
* @LastEditors: Lone
* @LastEditTime: 2021-12-12 00:22:41
// import Axios from '../utils/axios-util-tag';
import Axios from '../utils/axios-util'
// console.log('mail-api打印', Axios);
//info: mail文档地址:
let tagBase = 'api/property/';
export default {
queryListByBizTypeCode: params => { ////bizTag/queryListByBizTypeCode 查询基础配置业务类型
//console.log("queryListByBizTypeCode Params",params)
let updateParams = {
"caller": "crm-web",
"param": {
"bizTypeCode": params.bizTypeCode || '',
"relationBizId": []
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
//console.log("editCustomerActivity updateParams", updateParams)
return Axios.POST(tagBase + 'bizTag/queryListByBizTypeCode', updateParams);
queryList: params => {
let updateParams = {
"caller": "crm-web",
"param": {},
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
return Axios.POST(tagBase + 'bizType/queryList', updateParams);
addBizTag: params => { //新增標籤
//console.log("addBizTag params",params);
let updateParams = {
"caller": "crm-web",
"param": params,
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
return Axios.POST(tagBase + 'bizTag/addBizTag', updateParams);
deleteBizTagByIds: params => { //刪除標籤
//console.log("addBizTag params",params);
let updateParams = {
"caller": "crm-web",
"param": params, //[16,17,18]
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
return Axios.POST(tagBase + 'bizTag/deleteBizTagByIds', updateParams);
updateBizTag: params => { //修改標籤
//console.log("addBizTag params",params);
let updateParams = {
"caller": "crm-web",
"param": params,
"requestId": "uuid",
"traceId": "uuid"
"bizTypeCode": "customer",
"color": "#rrffee",
"icon": "customer",
"name": "公務員",
"remark": "公務員"
return Axios.POST(tagBase + 'bizTag/updateBizTag', updateParams);