You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

382 lines
11 KiB

<div class="emailUI" :style="isWarningLineShow ? 'padding-top: 42px' : ''">
<!-- <h1>This is an Email page</h1> -->
<!-- 郵件的菜單部分 -->
<div v-if="!isMailSyncing && isWarningLineShow" class="emailUI-warning-line flex-center">
電子郵件賬號{{ currentSyncMail.user }}已中斷連接。
<a>重新連接</a>或<a @click="gotoMailSetting">開啟設定</a>。
<!-- //todo: 重新連接 、開啟設定的實現。 -->
<!-- //todo: 點擊關閉後,該行應該一直關閉,參考pipedrive,思考實現方式,或許cookie存儲 -->
<a-icon type="close" class="emailUI-warning-line-icon" @click="isWarningLineShow = false"/>
<div class="emailUI-left">
<template v-for="(item,index) in mailMenus">
<div :class="{ 'mailMenu-item text-center' : true, 'mailMenu-item--active' : currentMailPath == item.path }"
@click="clickMail(item.path)">{{ item.title }}</div>
<!-- 郵件功能區 -->
<div class="emailUI-right flex-1">
<transition name="fade-transform" mode="out-in">
<router-view />
<!-- </div> -->
<!-- fix:// 修复全部居中显示 -->
const columns = [
title: "標題",
dataIndex: "title",
key: "title",
width: "20%",
scopedSlots: { customRender: "title" },
title: "內文",
dataIndex: "txt_data",
key: "txt_data",
width: "50%",
title: "分享",
dataIndex: "share",
scopedSlots: { customRender: "action" },
width: "10%",
title: "日期",
dataIndex: "date",
key: "date",
const data = [
key: 1,
title: "Google Maps Timeline",
txt_data: "iicynthia,這是你的時間軸最新動態",
share: "分享",
date: "2021-01-01",
// children: [
// {
// key: 11,
// name: 'John Brown',
// age: 42,
// address: 'New York No. 2 Lake Park',
// },
// {
// key: 12,
// name: 'John Brown jr.',
// age: 30,
// address: 'New York No. 3 Lake Park',
// children: [
// {
// key: 121,
// name: 'Jimmy Brown',
// age: 16,
// address: 'New York No. 3 Lake Park',
// },
// ],
// },
// {
// key: 13,
// name: 'Jim Green sr.',
// age: 72,
// address: 'London No. 1 Lake Park',
// children: [
// {
// key: 131,
// name: 'Jim Green',
// age: 42,
// address: 'London No. 2 Lake Park',
// children: [
// {
// key: 1311,
// name: 'Jim Green jr.',
// age: 25,
// address: 'London No. 3 Lake Park',
// },
// {
// key: 1312,
// name: 'Jimmy Green sr.',
// age: 18,
// address: 'London No. 4 Lake Park',
// },
// ],
// },
// ],
// },
// ],
key: 2,
title: "Quora Digest",
txt_data: "Why are UX designers paid so high compare to programmers",
share: "分享",
date: "2021-10-20",
key: 3,
title: "標題",
txt_data: "內文",
share: "分享",
date: "2021-01-01",
const rowSelection = {
onChange: (selectedRowKeys, selectedRows) => {
`selectedRowKeys: ${selectedRowKeys}`,
"selectedRows: ",
onSelect: (record, selected, selectedRows) => {
console.log(record, selected, selectedRows);
onSelectAll: (selected, selectedRows, changeRows) => {
console.log(selected, selectedRows, changeRows);
//table end
export default {
name: "emailUI",
components: {
// Email,
// EditEmail,
data() {
return {
//table satrt
expandedRowKeys: [],
//table end
mailMenus: [{ title: '收件夾', path: '/mail/inbox' },
{ title: '寫郵件', path: '/mail/compose' },
{ title: '草稿箱', path: '/mail/drafts' },//fix: 仿照Pipedrive完成邮件部分 路由、组件的命名规范。
{ title: '寄件夾', path: '/mail/outbox' },//info: compose撰写、inbox收件箱、drafts草稿箱
{ title: '寄件備份', path: '/mail/sent' },//info: outbox发件箱、sent已发送(寄件备份)、archive档案
{ title: '檔案庫', path: '/mail/archive' }],
// currentMailPath: 'inbox',//當前郵箱菜單 组件
folderList: [],
currentSyncMail: {},
isWarningLineShow: false
created () {
// NOTE: 45min refresh policy is what google recommends
window.setInterval(this.$gapi.refreshToken().catch(() => {}), 2.7e6); //每45分钟自动更新一次token
mounted () {
// this.$store.dispatch('mail/getMailAccountList').then(res => {
// if (!res) return this.$message.error('獲取綁定郵件列表失敗!');
// //進入郵件功能後,獲取郵件文件夾列表
// this.$store.dispatch('mail/getFolderList', {
// "mailAccountId": this.$store.state.mail.currentSyncMailId,
// "page": {
// "current": 0,
// "size": 10
// }
// }).then(res => {
// if (!res) return this.$message.error('獲取郵件文件夹列表失敗!');
// let params = {
// folderId: res.find(item => item.folderType == 1).id,
// page: {
// current: 0,
// size: 13
// }
// };
// this.$store.dispatch('mail/getMessageList', [ params, 1]).then(res => {
// if (!res) return this.$message.error('拉取收件夾數據失敗!');
// })
// })
// });
// this.$api.mail.getFolderList({
// "mailAccountId": this.$store.state.mail.currentSyncMailId,
// "page": {
// "current": 0,
// "size": 10
// }
// }).then(res => {
// console.log('getFolderList请求回来的数据为:', res);
// if (res.code != 0) return this.$message.error('请求邮件列表失败');
// this.$message.success('请求成功');
// this.folderList =;
// })
computed: {
currentMailPath () {
if (this.$route.path == '/mail/compose') {
this.isWarningLineShow = false;
} else {
// isWarningLineShow = !this.$store.state.mail.isMailSyncing;
if (~this.$route.path.indexOf('/detail/')) {
let fromPath = this.$store.state.mail.fromData.from;
if (fromPath != '') {
return `/mail/${fromPath}`
} else {
return '/mail/inbox'
return this.$route.path
isMailSyncing () {//計算當前賬戶是否有郵件為同步狀態
let result = this.$store.state.mail.isMailSyncing;
if (result) {
this.currentSyncMail = this.$store.state.mail.currentSyncMail;
this.isWarningLineShow = !result;
return result;
watch: {
isMailSyncing: {
immediate: true,
deep: true,
handler(newValue, oldValue) {
if (oldValue != newValue && newValue && this.$store.state.mail.currentSyncMailId != -1) {
methods: {
initMail () {
this.$store.dispatch('mail/getFolderList', {
"mailAccountId": this.$store.state.mail.currentSyncMailId,
"page": {
"current": 0,
"size": 10
}).then(res => {
if (!res) return this.$message.error('獲取郵件文件夹列表失敗!');
let params = {
folderId: res.find(item => item.folderType == 1).id,
page: {
current: 0,
size: 13
this.$store.dispatch('mail/getMessageList', [ params, 1]).then(res => {
if (!res) return this.$message.error('拉取收件夾數據失敗!');
gotoMailSetting () {
edit (text, record, index) {
this.visibleDrawer = true;
clickMail (val) {
// console.log("val--",val);
// console.log("this--",this);
// this.showClickEmail = val;
// this.currentMailPath = val;
// this.$router.push(`mail/${val}`);
// if(val == "edit"){
// this.hideEmail = true;
// this.hideEditEmail = false;
// }else if(val == "mailList"){
// this.hideEmail = false;
// this.hideEditEmail = true;
// }else{
// this.hideEmail = false;
// }
.emailUI {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
overflow: hidden;
position: relative;
.emailUI-left {
padding-top: 20px;
width: 120px;
min-width: 120px;
height: 100%;
background: #ffffff;
.emailUI-right {
padding: 20px;
overflow: scroll;
/* min-width: 960px; */
/* background: red; */
.mailMenu-item {
font-size: 16px;
line-height: 36px;
width: 100px;
margin: auto;
margin-bottom: 10px;
border-radius: 3px;
cursor: pointer;
/* padding: 5px 8px; */
.mailMenu-item:hover , .mailMenu-item--active {
background: #F6F6FC;
color: #F86F54;
.emailUI-warning-line {
border: rgba(38,41,44,.12);
background-color: #fff7d6;
padding: 12px 16px;
font-weight: 500;
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
width: 100%;
.emailUI-warning-line a {
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: 500;
color: #317ae2 !important;
.emailUI-warning-line-icon {
position: absolute;
right: 20px;
top: 15px;