You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package com.gyf.csams.main.model
import androidx.lifecycle.viewModelScope
import com.gyf.csams.R
import com.gyf.lib.ScrollListW
import com.gyf.lib.uikit.StringForm
import com.gyf.lib.util.randomChinese
import com.gyf.lib.util.randomNum
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
* 换名申请表
* @property studentId 学号
* @property oldName 社团原名
* @property newName 社团新名
* @property reason 申请理由
data class RenameVo(
val studentId: String,
val oldName: String,
val newName: String,
val reason: String
class RenameViewModel(application: Application) : ScrollListW<RenameVo>(application) {
val approverOrigin =
StringForm(formDesc = application.getString(R.string.approver_origin), textLength = 30)
override val initSize: Int = 10
init {
override fun load() {
viewModelScope.launch {
_data.value?.apply {
repeat(initSize) {
studentId = randomNum(8),
oldName = randomChinese(5),
newName = randomChinese(5),
reason = randomChinese(10)
override fun loadMore(callback: (message: String) -> Unit) {
TODO("Not yet implemented")