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create table ImageFiles
id int auto_increment
primary key,
user_id varchar(10) not null comment '上传用户',
filepath varchar(50) not null comment '文件相对路径',
md5 varchar(32) not null comment '文件hash',
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null comment '文件创建时间'
comment '图片文件信息';
create table Managers
id int auto_increment
primary key,
name varchar(10) not null,
password varchar(32) not null,
`desc` varchar(20) not null,
img_id int null,
account varchar(10) not null comment '帐号',
duty varchar(32) not null comment '职务',
constraint fk_Managers_img_id_id
foreign key (img_id) references ImageFiles (id)
comment '后台管理员';
create table ManagerTokens
id int auto_increment
primary key,
token varchar(32) not null,
ip varchar(32) not null,
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null,
device varchar(256) not null,
manager_id int not null comment '授权管理员',
constraint fk_ManagerTokens_manager_id_id
foreign key (manager_id) references Managers (id)
comment '管理员授权令牌';
create table Notifications
id int auto_increment
primary key,
title varchar(10) not null comment '通知标题',
content varchar(256) not null comment '通知内容',
receiver_id int not null comment '接收者',
receiver_client varchar(10) not null comment '接收客户端',
`read` tinyint(1) default 0 not null comment '阅读状态',
pull tinyint(1) default 0 not null comment '拉取状态',
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null comment '通知创建时间'
comment '通知记录';
create table Users
id int auto_increment
primary key,
name varchar(10) not null,
password varchar(32) not null,
`desc` varchar(20) not null,
img_id int null,
student_id varchar(8) not null comment '学号',
association_id int null comment '社团id',
constraint Users_student_id_unique
unique (student_id),
constraint fk_Users_img_id_id
foreign key (img_id) references ImageFiles (id)
comment '用户';
create table AuditLeggings
id int auto_increment
primary key,
user_id int not null comment '申请人',
apply_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null comment '申请时间',
manager_id int null comment '负责人',
accept_time datetime(6) null comment '受理时间',
cause varchar(30) null comment '审核理由',
result tinyint(1) null comment '审核结果',
audit_time datetime(6) null comment '审核时间',
next_audit int null comment '复审记录',
constraint fk_AuditLeggings_manager_id_id
foreign key (manager_id) references Managers (id),
constraint fk_AuditLeggings_next_audit_id
foreign key (next_audit) references AuditLeggings (id),
constraint fk_AuditLeggings_user_id_id
foreign key (user_id) references Users (id)
comment '审核记录';
create table Associations
id int auto_increment
primary key,
name varchar(10) not null comment '社团名称',
`desc` varchar(30) not null comment '社团介绍',
logo int not null comment '社团logo',
level varchar(1) null comment '社团级别',
faculty varchar(32) not null comment '所属院系',
audit_id int not null comment '审核信息',
constraint fk_Associations_audit_id_id
foreign key (audit_id) references AuditLeggings (id),
constraint fk_Associations_logo_id
foreign key (logo) references ImageFiles (id)
comment '社团信息';
create table Activities
id int auto_increment
primary key,
activity_name varchar(10) not null comment '活动名称',
activity_time datetime(6) not null comment '活动时间',
activity_address varchar(30) not null comment '活动地点',
activity_desc varchar(30) not null comment '活动介绍',
activity_size int not null comment '活动人数',
audit_id int not null comment '审核信息',
association_id int not null comment '活动社团',
constraint fk_Activities_association_id_id
foreign key (association_id) references Associations (id),
constraint fk_Activities_audit_id_id
foreign key (audit_id) references AuditLeggings (id)
comment '社团活动';
create table ActivityComments
id int auto_increment
primary key,
content varchar(80) not null comment '评论内容',
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null comment '评论时间',
user_id int not null comment '评论用户',
activity_id int not null comment '评论活动',
constraint fk_ActivityComments_activity_id_id
foreign key (activity_id) references Activities (id),
constraint fk_ActivityComments_user_id_id
foreign key (user_id) references Users (id)
comment '活动评论';
create table AssociationMembers
id int auto_increment
primary key,
user_id int not null comment '社团成员id',
association_id int not null comment '社团Id',
is_head tinyint(1) not null comment '是否团长',
constraint fk_AssociationMembers_association_id_id
foreign key (association_id) references Associations (id),
constraint fk_AssociationMembers_user_id_id
foreign key (user_id) references Users (id)
comment '社团成员信息';
create table JoinAssociations
id int auto_increment
primary key,
user_id int not null comment '申请人',
association_id int not null comment '申请社团',
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null comment '申请时间',
audit_time datetime(6) null comment '审核时间',
result tinyint(1) null comment '申请结果',
constraint fk_JoinAssociations_association_id_id
foreign key (association_id) references Associations (id),
constraint fk_JoinAssociations_user_id_id
foreign key (user_id) references Users (id)
comment '入团申请记录';
create table LeaveMessages
id int auto_increment
primary key,
user_id int not null comment '留言用户',
message varchar(20) not null comment '留言内容',
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null comment '留言创建时间',
constraint fk_LeaveMessages_user_id_id
foreign key (user_id) references Users (id)
comment '留言';
create table PhotoAlbums
id int auto_increment
primary key,
activity_id int not null comment '所属活动',
photo_id int not null comment '照片',
name varchar(10) not null comment '照片名',
constraint fk_PhotoAlbums_activity_id_id
foreign key (activity_id) references Activities (id),
constraint fk_PhotoAlbums_photo_id_id
foreign key (photo_id) references ImageFiles (id)
comment '相册';
create table Questions
id int auto_increment
primary key,
question varchar(30) not null comment '问题',
optionsA varchar(15) not null comment '选项A',
optionsB varchar(15) not null comment '选项B',
optionsC varchar(15) not null comment '选项C',
optionsD varchar(15) not null comment '选项D',
answer int not null comment '答案',
association_id int not null comment '所属社团',
constraint fk_Questions_association_id_id
foreign key (association_id) references Associations (id)
comment '题库';
create table Answers
id int auto_increment
primary key,
question_id int not null comment '问题',
answer int not null comment '答案',
join_id int not null comment '入团申请记录',
constraint fk_Answers_join_id_id
foreign key (join_id) references JoinAssociations (id),
constraint fk_Answers_question_id_id
foreign key (question_id) references Questions (id)
comment '试题';
create table Renames
id int auto_increment
primary key,
new_name varchar(10) not null comment '新名称',
cause varchar(30) not null comment '换名理由',
association_id int not null comment '重命名社团',
audit_id int not null comment '审核信息',
constraint fk_Renames_association_id_id
foreign key (association_id) references Associations (id),
constraint fk_Renames_audit_id_id
foreign key (audit_id) references AuditLeggings (id)
comment '社团重命名记录';
create table Tendencies
id int auto_increment
primary key,
user_id int not null comment '点赞用户',
activity_id int not null comment '点赞活动',
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null comment '点赞时间',
type int not null comment '倾向类型',
constraint fk_Tendencies_activity_id_id
foreign key (activity_id) references Activities (id),
constraint fk_Tendencies_user_id_id
foreign key (user_id) references Users (id)
comment '用户倾向';
create table UserTokens
id int auto_increment
primary key,
token varchar(32) not null,
ip varchar(32) not null,
create_time datetime(6) default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(6) not null,
device varchar(256) not null,
user_id int not null comment '授权用户',
constraint fk_UserTokens_user_id_id
foreign key (user_id) references Users (id)
comment '用户授权令牌';