import json import os import re from concurrent import futures from datetime import datetime import requests def get_cookies(): _cookies = {} array = "BDqhfp=fate%26%26NaN%26%260%26%261; BIDUPSID=8689C23BFD1526702A4EF173F3A809DD; BDRCVFR[dG2JNJb_ajR]=mk3SLVN4HKm; userFrom=null; BAIDUID=8689C23BFD152670722FAAEB4DDC55FA:FG=1; BDRCVFR[-pGxjrCMryR]=mk3SLVN4HKm".split( ';') for row in array: k, v = row.strip().split('=', 1) _cookies[k] = v return _cookies # 图片保存路径 savePath = None threadNum = 10 startTime = None def getBaiduImage(word): global startTime, savePath params = [] startTime = start = threadNum i = 0 filepath = None savePath = r'{savePath}/{word}'.format(savePath=savePath, word=word) if not os.path.exists(savePath): os.makedirs(savePath) while True: try: url = r"{" \ r"queryWord}&cl=2&lm=-1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&adpicid=&st=-1&z=&ic=0&word={" \ r"word}&s=&se=&tab=&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&qc=&nc=1&fr=&pn={pn}&rn={rn}&gsm=3c&1523890541764= " url = url.format(queryWord=word, word=word, pn=start, rn=threadNum) print('request url:%s' % url) req = requests.get(url) if req.status_code == 200: req.encoding = 'utf-8' obj = json.loads(req.text.replace('\\\'', '')) if len(obj['data']) == 1: break for img in obj['data']: if 'fromPageTitle' in img: print('图片:%s\t添加到下载队列' % img['fromPageTitleEnc']) if 'replaceUrl' in img: url = img['replaceUrl'][0]['ObjURL'] params.append((url, i)) i += 1 if not filepath is None and os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) filepath = r'{savePath}/图片下载队列填充:{i}'.format(savePath=savePath, word=word, i=i) file = open(filepath, 'w') file.close() start += threadNum except BaseException as e: print(repr(e)) if not filepath is None and os.path.exists(filepath): os.remove(filepath) executors = futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(threadNum) try: with executors as executor:, params) except BaseException as e: print(repr(e)) def downImage(params): try: url = params[0] index = params[1] print(r'开始下载图片{url}'.format(url=url)) imgurl = requests.get(url, headers={"Referer": ""}) if imgurl.status_code == 200: format = url[-url[::-1].index('.'):] imgPath = r'{savePath}/fate_{index}.{format}'.format(savePath=savePath, index=index, format=format) f = open(imgPath, 'wb') f.write(imgurl.content) f.close() print(r'图片{url}成功下载到{imgPath}'.format(url=url, imgPath=imgPath)) except BaseException as e: print(repr(e)) if __name__ == '__main__': # str = '' # while True: # str = input('输入要下载图片的关键字,输入 exit 退出程序\n') # if not str == 'exit': # while True: # savePath = input('输入图片存放目录:例如 E:/图片,注意目录之间使用正斜杠隔开"/"\n') # if re.fullmatch(r"[a-zA-z]:(/[\u4e00-\u9fa5_a-zA-Z0-9]+)+", savePath) is None: # print(r'图片目录{savePath}不合法请重新输入'.format(savePath=savePath)) # else: # break # getBaiduImage(str) # print(r'使用{threadNum}线程成功下载{count}张图片到目录{path}下,耗时:{second}'.format(threadNum=threadNum, # count=len(os.listdir(savePath)), # path=savePath, # - startTime)) # flag = False # else: # print('exit') # break req ='', {'tplid': 1, 'content': '好啊##$@?$?@$##就算你是一流工程师##$@?$?@$##就算你出报告再完美##$@?$?@$##我叫你改报告你就要改##$@?$?@$##毕竟我是客户##$@?$?@$##客户了不起啊##$@?$?@$##sorry 客户真的了不起##$@?$?@$##以后叫他天天改报告##$@?$?@$##天天改 天天改'}) if req.status_code==200: response = json.loads(req.content.decode()) if 'd' in response: print(response['d'])