PocketCommunityClient please input username please input password Sign in Sign in "Welcome !" Username must be >%1$s characters Password must be >%1$s characters system language chs en current language password username Register back system config please input confirm password please input email please input phone reset password reset password Next Previous send code Forum Visitor Recycle MyInformation hot new post my Making an Appointment My Reservation My Visitor nickname:%1$s credit score:%1$d headimg modify password mobie email recent posts:%1$d recent visitors:%1$d active history author:%1s load notice content..... time:%1s yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Active User Hot Topic Hot Events %1d.%2s poster:%1s time:%1$s load content....... please input title please input post type please input content please input active start time please input active end time please input active score voluntary activity topic complain complain name:%1s input complain name wordcount:%1d/%2d please input complain name post reply:%1d please input appointment of people please choose time please input notes submit show all text hide notes appointment_time notes visitor name visitor time action close start time end time query appointment name %1d l open_content logout The two passwords don\'t match Cell phone Numbers are illegal Invalid mailbox register OK username or email error Check success please input code send code success send code error CAPTCHA Error check success check fail try again after %1d seconds reset password success reset password error appointment OK appointment fail invalid time invalid notes please choose people before time search people success search people fail search time OK search time fail load data error visitor_tag title error content error post OK post fail date error score error date format must be %1s,such as %2s search OK search fail reply reply OK reply fail load success load error please input password please input new password please input new password again modify password success modify password error load my info success load my info error load notice success load notice fail load hot success load hot fail load new success load new fail load forum my success load my forum fail load my visitor success load my visitor fail load reservation success load reservation fail Welcome the %1s to log in this system garbage sorting waste please input name grabage image search success waste name:%1s waste mobie:%1s search name search success name price username repeat mobie repeat email repeat unknow error login fail start date must be before end date token error,please login no more forum modify error please choose date date error check ok check fail uncheck connect server ok connect server:%1s fail