You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

159 lines
5.0 KiB

"APP_TITLE": "PocketCommunityAdmin",
"language": "language",
"chinese": "chinese",
"english": "english",
"login": {
"manager_name": "manager name",
"password": "password"
"register": {
"confirm_pwd": "confrim password",
"mobile": "mobile",
"email": "email",
"emailType": "email type"
"reset_pwd": {
"code": "verification code",
"new_pwd": "password",
"confirm_pwd": "confirm password"
"forum": {
"name": "forum",
"notice": "notice",
"check": "check",
"sender": "sender",
"time": "time",
"active_date": "Active Date:From {{startDate}} To {{endDate}}",
"active_score": "Active Score:{{score}}",
"approve": "approve",
"reject": "reject",
"complaint": "time:{{time}}",
"plaintiff": "plaintiff",
"defendant": "defendant",
"notice_title": "notice title",
"notice_content": "notice content",
"deadline": "Deadline:{{endDate}}",
"add_more_notice": "添加更多公告"
"visitor": {
"name": "Visitor Appointment Management",
"username": "Reservationist",
"time": "Appointment Time",
"notes": "Purpose",
"admin": "Admin",
"action": "Action",
"ok": "Pass",
"fail": "Fail",
"checked": "Checked",
"uncheck": "Unchecked",
"status": "Status"
"tip": {
"input": "please input {{value}}",
"HELLO": "Hello <span style='color:red'>{{value}}</span> welcome to you",
"notnull": "The {{value}} cannot be empty",
"password_diff": "The passwords do not match",
"mobile_error": "The phone number is illegal",
"select": "please choose an {{value}}"
"button": {
"login": "login",
"register": "register",
"forget_pwd": "forget password?",
"backLogin": "back",
"send_code": "send verification code",
"reset_pwd": "reset password",
"logout": "logout",
"next": "next",
"prev": "prev",
"next_page": "Next",
"prev_page": "Previous",
"first_page": "first page",
"last_page": "last page",
"check_code": "check_code",
"notice": "submit",
"back": "back",
"search": "search",
"jump": "jump",
"submit": "submit",
"total_page": "Total pages:{{totalPage}},Total records:{{count}}"
"score": {
"name": "Credit Scores Management",
"username": "User name",
"score": "Credit Scores",
"action": "Action",
"search_is_like": "Fuzzy Search",
"search_is_not_like": "Advanced Search",
"ok": "User information loaded successfully",
"fail": "Failed to load user information",
"changeScore": "Modify Credit Scores",
"error_page": "Error_Page",
"targetScore": "Add/Subtract Credit Scores",
"tip": "Please enter a negative number for score reduction",
"notes": "Notes",
"edit_ok": "Modification succeeded",
"edit_fail": "Modification failed",
"score_tip": "Current Scores{{beforeScore}},Turn to{{afterScore}}scores",
"orderScore": "Ranking by credit",
"asc": "Ascending order",
"desc": "Descending order"
"server": {
"login": {
"manager": "Administrator cannot be empty!",
"password": "Password cannot be empty!",
"fail": "Account/Password incorrect!",
"ok": "Login successful"
"register": {
"manager": "Administrator cannot be empty!",
"password": "Password cannot be empty!",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm password cannot be empty!",
"passwordNotMatch": "Two password entries are inconsistent",
"mobie": "Phone numbers cannot be empty",
"email": "Email cannot be empty",
"username": "User already exists",
"ok": "register succeeded"
"logout": {
"ok": "Logout successful",
"fail": "Logout failed"
"resetpwd": {
"check_ok": "Verification successful",
"check_fail": "Wrong account or email",
"send_code_ok": "The verification code was sent successfully. Please check the verification code",
"send_code_fail": "Failed to send the verification code. Please try again or contact the administrator",
"valid_code_ok": "Verification code successful",
"valid_code_fail": "The verification code is incorrect, please re-enter",
"resetpwd_ok": "Password reset successful",
"resetpwd_fail": "Password reset failed"
"forum": {
"notice": {
"load_notices": "Loading announcement information",
"add_ok": "Add successful",
"add_fail": "Add Failed",
"fail": "Load failed",
"zero": "No announcement",
"delete": "Delete announcement",
"confirm_delete": "Are you sure to delete the current announcement?",
"delete_ok": "Delete successful",
"delete_fail": "Delete Failed"
"posts": {
"zero": "No posts need to be verified",
"load_posts": "Loading posts",
"fail": "load failed",
"check_ok": "Audit successful",
"check_fail": "Audit failed"
"visitor": {
"check_ok": "Audit successful",
"check_fail": "Audit failed"