import kotlinext.js.getOwnPropertyNames import kotlinx.browser.document import kotlinx.browser.window import org.khronos.webgl.ArrayBuffer import org.khronos.webgl.DataView import org.khronos.webgl.Uint8Array import org.khronos.webgl.set import org.w3c.dom.CanvasRenderingContext2D import org.w3c.dom.HTMLCanvasElement import org.w3c.dom.Image import org.w3c.dom.url.URL import org.w3c.fetch.RequestInit import org.w3c.files.Blob import org.w3c.files.BlobPropertyBag import org.w3c.xhr.FormData import kotlin.js.Promise import kotlin.math.ceil import kotlin.math.max import kotlin.math.min import kotlin.math.round data class un(val width: Int, val height: Int) data class coord( val resid: String, val xsrc: Int, val ysrc: Int, val width: Int, val height: Int, val xdest: Int, val ydest: Int ) data class formatview(val width: Int, val height: Int, val coords: List, val areas: List? = null) data class transfer(val index:Int,val coords: List) data class n(val width: Int,val height: Int,val transfers:List) data class N( val left: Int, val top: Int, val width: Int, val height: Int, val bottom: Int = top + height, val right: Int = left + width ) object p { //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:3998 fun Rectangle(t: Int, i: Int, n: Int, r: Int): N { return N(left = t, top = i, width = n, height = r) } //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:3966 fun intersect(t:N,i:N):N?{ val n = t.left val r = t.left + t.width val e = val s = + t.height val h = i.left val u = i.left + i.width val o = val a = + i.height if (n < u && h < r && e < a && o < s) { val f = max(n, h) val c = max(e, o) return N(f,c,min(r, u) - f,min(s, a) - c) } return null } } class e(val Xs: Int = 3, private val Ws: Int = 8, private val Ys: Int = 4, val un: un) { //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:8848 fun Us(t: Int): N { val i = this.un.height val n = ceil( (i + this.Ys * (this.Xs - 1)) / this.Ws.toDouble()).toInt() val r = ceil(t * n / this.Xs.toDouble()).toInt() * this.Ws val e = ceil((t + 1) * n / this.Xs.toDouble()).toInt() * this.Ws val s = n * this.Ws val h = r * i / s val u = e * i / s val o = e - r val a = if (1 == this.Xs) 0 else round(h + (u - h - o) * t / (this.Xs - 1).toDouble()).toInt() return p.Rectangle(t = 0, i = a, n = this.un.width, r = o) } } object d { data class e(val resources: resources,val views: List) lateinit var urlResult: UrlResult //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:8699 private fun RS(t: resources, i: String): coord { val n = (Regex("^([^:]+):(\\d+),(\\d+)\\+(\\d+),(\\d+)>(\\d+),(\\d+)\$").matchEntire(i) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid format for Image Transfer : $i")).groupValues val r = n[1] if ("_$r" !in t.getOwnPropertyNames()) throw IllegalArgumentException("resid $r not found.") return coord( resid = r, xsrc = n[2].toInt(10), ysrc = n[3].toInt(10), width = n[4].toInt(10), height = n[5].toInt(10), xdest = n[6].toInt(10), ydest = n[7].toInt(10) ) } //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:8632 private fun FS():e { val t=urlResult.t val n = t.resources.copy(i = t.resources.i.copy(src =urlResult.originImagePath)) return e(resources = n,views = { it -> formatview(width = it.width, height = it.height, coords = { RS(t = n, i = it) }, areas = it.areas) }) } //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:8604 fun Gs(): n { val e = FS() val u = e.views[0] return n(width = u.width, height = u.height, transfers = listOf(transfer(index = 0, coords = u.coords))) } } object ImageDataManager { private val data = mutableListOf() fun append(d: ImageData) { data.add(d) } fun requestZip(urlResult: UrlResult) { val form = FormData() form.apply { append(name = "romajiTitle", value = urlResult.romajiTitle) data.forEach { append(name = it.fileName, value = it.blob, filename = it.fileName) } } window.fetch(Api.IMAGE_API, RequestInit(method = "post", body = form)) data.clear() } } data class ImageData(val blob: Blob, val fileName: String) class ImageLoader(val urlResult: UrlResult) { private val canvasHtml = createCanvas() private var imageHeight = 0.0 //图片解析 private val tasks = mutableListOf>() //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:8766 private fun callback(): List { d.urlResult = urlResult val n = d.Gs() //"Gs:") // val u = e(un = un(width = n.width, height = n.height)) val s = n.transfers[0].coords val h = mutableListOf() repeat(u.Xs) { val r = u.Us(t = it) //"r:") // val e = mutableListOf() s.forEach { t -> //"-------------------") //"t:") // val _i = p.Rectangle(t = t.xdest, i = t.ydest, n = t.width, r = t.height) //"p.Rectangle(i):") // p.intersect(t=r,i=_i)?.let { n-> //"p.Rectangle.intersect(n):") // //"-------------------") e.add(coord(resid = t.resid, xsrc = t.xsrc+(n.left-t.xdest), ysrc= t.ysrc + ( - t.ydest), width= n.width, height= n.height, xdest= n.left - r.left, ydest = - } } //"e.size=${e.size}") h.add(n(width = r.width,height = r.height,transfers = listOf(transfer(index = 0,coords = e)))) } // return h.toList() } private fun createCanvas(): HTMLCanvasElement { return document.createElement("canvas") as HTMLCanvasElement } //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:7976 private fun us(t:n,image:Image){ //"开始绘制漫画页") val canvas:HTMLCanvasElement= createCanvas() canvas.apply { width=t.width height=t.height val ctx:CanvasRenderingContext2D= getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx.clearRect(0.0, 0.0, width.toDouble(), height.toDouble()) t.transfers.forEach { i-> i.coords.forEach { t-> ctx.drawImage(image = image,sx=t.xsrc.toDouble(),sy=t.ysrc.toDouble(),sw=t.width.toDouble(),sh=t.height.toDouble(), dx=t.xdest.toDouble(),dy=t.ydest.toDouble(),dw=t.width.toDouble(),dh=t.height.toDouble()) } } } Promise(executor = { resolve, _ -> canvasToBlob(t=canvas,{blob: Blob -> //"blob.size:${blob.size}") val i=URL.createObjectURL(blob=blob)"加载图片dataUrl:\n${i}") Image().apply { onload = { imageHeight += this.naturalHeight resolve(this) } src = i } }) }).apply { tasks.add(this) } } fun dataURItoBlob(dataURI: String): Blob { // convert base64 to raw binary data held in a string val byteString = window.atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]) // separate out the mime component val mimeString = dataURI.split(',')[0].split(':')[1].split(';')[0] // write the bytes of the string to an ArrayBuffer val arrayBuffer = ArrayBuffer(byteString.length) val _ia = Uint8Array(arrayBuffer) byteString.withIndex().forEach { _ia[it.index] = it.value.code.toByte() } val dataView = DataView(arrayBuffer) return Blob(arrayOf(dataView), options = BlobPropertyBag(type = mimeString)) } private fun create(resolve: (value: Boolean) -> Unit) { Promise.all(promise = tasks.toTypedArray()).then { canvasHtml.let { canvas -> canvas.width = it.first().naturalWidth canvas.height = imageHeight.toInt() val ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D = canvas.getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx.clearRect(0.0, 0.0, canvas.width.toDouble(), canvas.height.toDouble() - 4 * 2) var dy = 0.0 it.forEach { ctx.drawImage( image = it, dx = 0.0, dy = dy, dw = it.naturalWidth.toDouble(), dh = it.naturalHeight.toDouble().apply { dy += this.toInt() - 4 }) } Image().apply { onload = {"拼接图片大小naturalWidth:${naturalWidth},naturalHeight:${naturalHeight}") } src = canvas.toDataURL().let { val blob = dataURItoBlob(it) val name = "${urlResult.romajiTitle}_${urlResult.filename}" ImageDataManager.append(ImageData(blob = blob, fileName = name)) resolve(true) URL.createObjectURL(blob) }.apply {"拼接图片url:\n$this") } } } } } //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:3798 private fun canvasToBlob( t:HTMLCanvasElement, callback:(t:Blob)->Unit, n:String="image/jpeg", r: Double =.9){ val i=t.toDataURL(type=n,quality = r).split(",")[1] //"url length:${i.length}") val blobTransfer=w(t=i) //"w[i]:") // val blob= Blob(blobParts=arrayOf(blobTransfer),options = BlobPropertyBag(type = n)) //"blob size:${blob.size}") callback(blob) } //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:3602 fun _m(t: String): Array { val i= arrayOf() repeat(t.length){ i[t[it].code]=it } return i } val m=_m("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/") //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:3608 fun w(t:String): Uint8Array { val e=t.length val s = t.slice(IntRange(e-2,e-1)).split("=").count() - 1 val h = 3 * ((e + 3) / 4) - s val u = Uint8Array(h) var i=0 var n=i while (n { return Promise(executor = { resolve, _ -> hs().then {"image(naturalWidth:${it.naturalWidth},naturalHeight=${it.naturalHeight})") callback().map { t -> // val n=t(width = t.width,height = t.height) us(t = t, image = it) } create(resolve = resolve) } }) } //speedbinb.js?dmy=016301:formatted:7949 private fun hs(): Promise { return Promise(executor = { resolve, reject -> val e=Image() // e.crossOrigin="anonymous" val t=urlResult.serverImagePath e.onload={ resolve(e) } e.onerror = { _: dynamic, _: String, _: Int, _: Int, _: Any? -> reject(Error("Failed to load image. : $t")) } e.onabort = { reject(Error("Failed to load image. : $t")) } e.src=t.apply {"img path:${this}") } }) } }