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import kotlinx.serialization.Contextual
import kotlinx.serialization.SerialName
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
data class i(val src: String, val width: Int, val height: Int)
data class resources(val i: i)
data class area(val href: String, val left: Int, val top: Int, val right: Int, val bottom: Int)
data class view(val width: Int, val height: Int, val coords: List<String>, val areas: List<area>? = null)
data class t(@SerialName("ptimg-version") val ptimg_version: Int,
val resources: resources, val views: List<view>)
data class ApiResponse<T>(val message:String,@Contextual val body:T?=null)
data class MessageResponse(val message: String)
data class UrlResult(val originImagePath:String,val serverImagePath:String, val t:t)
data class ParseTask(val total:Int,val finish:Int,val percentage:Float)
data class UrlParam(val url:String,val html:String)
const val websocketPath="/webSocket"
const val websiteTitle="朴实无华的漫画解析工具"