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6 years ago
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Date: 2018/6/3
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<c:if test="${param.index==0}">
function get(cid, i) {
$("td[cid=" + cid + "]").find("span").text("获取中");
$.get("/data/count/" + cid, function (result) {
6 years ago
if (result!=''||result==0) {
6 years ago
if(result > 0){
$("#cid_" + cid).removeAttr("disabled");
$("td[cid=" + cid + "]").text(result);
}else {
$("td[cid=" + cid + "]").find("span").html('<a href="javascript:get('+cid+',0)">获取异常,点击重新获取</a>');
$(function () {
$.each($("td[cid]"), function () {
get($(this).attr("cid"), 0);
<td cid="${}">
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