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// RetryPolicy.swift
// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alamofire Software Foundation (
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Foundation
/// A retry policy that retries requests using an exponential backoff for allowed HTTP methods and HTTP status codes
/// as well as certain types of networking errors.
open class RetryPolicy: RequestInterceptor {
/// The default retry limit for retry policies.
public static let defaultRetryLimit: UInt = 2
/// The default exponential backoff base for retry policies (must be a minimum of 2).
public static let defaultExponentialBackoffBase: UInt = 2
/// The default exponential backoff scale for retry policies.
public static let defaultExponentialBackoffScale: Double = 0.5
/// The default HTTP methods to retry.
/// See [RFC 2616 - Section 9.1.2]( for more information.
public static let defaultRetryableHTTPMethods: Set<HTTPMethod> = [.delete, // [Delete]( - not always idempotent
.get, // [GET]( - generally idempotent
.head, // [HEAD]( - generally idempotent
.options, // [OPTIONS]( - inherently idempotent
.put, // [PUT]( - not always idempotent
.trace // [TRACE]( - inherently idempotent
/// The default HTTP status codes to retry.
/// See [RFC 2616 - Section 10]( for more information.
public static let defaultRetryableHTTPStatusCodes: Set<Int> = [408, // [Request Timeout](
500, // [Internal Server Error](
502, // [Bad Gateway](
503, // [Service Unavailable](
504 // [Gateway Timeout](
/// The default URL error codes to retry.
public static let defaultRetryableURLErrorCodes: Set<URLError.Code> = [// [Security] App Transport Security disallowed a connection because there is no secure network connection.
// - [Disabled] ATS settings do not change at runtime.
// .appTransportSecurityRequiresSecureConnection,
// [System] An app or app extension attempted to connect to a background session that is already connected to a
// process.
// - [Enabled] The other process could release the background session.
// [System] The shared container identifier of the URL session configuration is needed but has not been set.
// - [Disabled] Cannot change at runtime.
// .backgroundSessionRequiresSharedContainer,
// [System] The app is suspended or exits while a background data task is processing.
// - [Enabled] App can be foregrounded or launched to recover.
// [Network] The URL Loading system received bad data from the server.
// - [Enabled] Server could return valid data when retrying.
// [Resource] A malformed URL prevented a URL request from being initiated.
// - [Disabled] URL was most likely constructed incorrectly.
// .badURL,
// [System] A connection was attempted while a phone call is active on a network that does not support
// simultaneous phone and data communication (EDGE or GPRS).
// - [Enabled] Phone call could be ended to allow request to recover.
// [Client] An asynchronous load has been canceled.
// - [Disabled] Request was cancelled by the client.
// .cancelled,
// [File System] A download task couldnt close the downloaded file on disk.
// - [Disabled] File system error is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .cannotCloseFile,
// [Network] An attempt to connect to a host failed.
// - [Enabled] Server or DNS lookup could recover during retry.
// [File System] A download task couldnt create the downloaded file on disk because of an I/O failure.
// - [Disabled] File system error is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .cannotCreateFile,
// [Data] Content data received during a connection request had an unknown content encoding.
// - [Disabled] Server is unlikely to modify the content encoding during a retry.
// .cannotDecodeContentData,
// [Data] Content data received during a connection request could not be decoded for a known content encoding.
// - [Disabled] Server is unlikely to modify the content encoding during a retry.
// .cannotDecodeRawData,
// [Network] The host name for a URL could not be resolved.
// - [Enabled] Server or DNS lookup could recover during retry.
// [Network] A request to load an item only from the cache could not be satisfied.
// - [Enabled] Cache could be populated during a retry.
// [File System] A download task was unable to move a downloaded file on disk.
// - [Disabled] File system error is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .cannotMoveFile,
// [File System] A download task was unable to open the downloaded file on disk.
// - [Disabled] File system error is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .cannotOpenFile,
// [Data] A task could not parse a response.
// - [Disabled] Invalid response is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .cannotParseResponse,
// [File System] A download task was unable to remove a downloaded file from disk.
// - [Disabled] File system error is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .cannotRemoveFile,
// [File System] A download task was unable to write to the downloaded file on disk.
// - [Disabled] File system error is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .cannotWriteToFile,
// [Security] A client certificate was rejected.
// - [Disabled] Client certificate is unlikely to change with retry.
// .clientCertificateRejected,
// [Security] A client certificate was required to authenticate an SSL connection during a request.
// - [Disabled] Client certificate is unlikely to be provided with retry.
// .clientCertificateRequired,
// [Data] The length of the resource data exceeds the maximum allowed.
// - [Disabled] Resource will likely still exceed the length maximum on retry.
// .dataLengthExceedsMaximum,
// [System] The cellular network disallowed a connection.
// - [Enabled] WiFi connection could be established during retry.
// [Network] The host address could not be found via DNS lookup.
// - [Enabled] DNS lookup could succeed during retry.
// [Data] A download task failed to decode an encoded file during the download.
// - [Enabled] Server could correct the decoding issue with retry.
// [Data] A download task failed to decode an encoded file after downloading.
// - [Enabled] Server could correct the decoding issue with retry.
// [File System] A file does not exist.
// - [Disabled] File system error is unlikely to recover with retry.
// .fileDoesNotExist,
// [File System] A request for an FTP file resulted in the server responding that the file is not a plain file,
// but a directory.
// - [Disabled] FTP directory is not likely to change to a file during a retry.
// .fileIsDirectory,
// [Network] A redirect loop has been detected or the threshold for number of allowable redirects has been
// exceeded (currently 16).
// - [Disabled] The redirect loop is unlikely to be resolved within the retry window.
// .httpTooManyRedirects,
// [System] The attempted connection required activating a data context while roaming, but international roaming
// is disabled.
// - [Enabled] WiFi connection could be established during retry.
// [Connectivity] A client or server connection was severed in the middle of an in-progress load.
// - [Enabled] A network connection could be established during retry.
// [File System] A resource couldnt be read because of insufficient permissions.
// - [Disabled] Permissions are unlikely to be granted during retry.
// .noPermissionsToReadFile,
// [Connectivity] A network resource was requested, but an internet connection has not been established and
// cannot be established automatically.
// - [Enabled] A network connection could be established during retry.
// [Resource] A redirect was specified by way of server response code, but the server did not accompany this
// code with a redirect URL.
// - [Disabled] The redirect URL is unlikely to be supplied during a retry.
// .redirectToNonExistentLocation,
// [Client] A body stream is needed but the client did not provide one.
// - [Disabled] The client will be unlikely to supply a body stream during retry.
// .requestBodyStreamExhausted,
// [Resource] A requested resource couldnt be retrieved.
// - [Disabled] The resource is unlikely to become available during the retry window.
// .resourceUnavailable,
// [Security] An attempt to establish a secure connection failed for reasons that cant be expressed more
// specifically.
// - [Enabled] The secure connection could be established during a retry given the lack of specificity
// provided by the error.
// [Security] A server certificate had a date which indicates it has expired, or is not yet valid.
// - [Enabled] The server certificate could become valid within the retry window.
// [Security] A server certificate was not signed by any root server.
// - [Disabled] The server certificate is unlikely to change during the retry window.
// .serverCertificateHasUnknownRoot,
// [Security] A server certificate is not yet valid.
// - [Enabled] The server certificate could become valid within the retry window.
// [Security] A server certificate was signed by a root server that isnt trusted.
// - [Disabled] The server certificate is unlikely to become trusted within the retry window.
// .serverCertificateUntrusted,
// [Network] An asynchronous operation timed out.
// - [Enabled] The request timed out for an unknown reason and should be retried.
// [System] The URL Loading System encountered an error that it cant interpret.
// - [Disabled] The error could not be interpreted and is unlikely to be recovered from during a retry.
// .unknown,
// [Resource] A properly formed URL couldnt be handled by the framework.
// - [Disabled] The URL is unlikely to change during a retry.
// .unsupportedURL,
// [Client] Authentication is required to access a resource.
// - [Disabled] The user authentication is unlikely to be provided by retrying.
// .userAuthenticationRequired,
// [Client] An asynchronous request for authentication has been canceled by the user.
// - [Disabled] The user cancelled authentication and explicitly took action to not retry.
// .userCancelledAuthentication,
// [Resource] A server reported that a URL has a non-zero content length, but terminated the network connection
// gracefully without sending any data.
// - [Disabled] The server is unlikely to provide data during the retry window.
// .zeroByteResource,
/// The total number of times the request is allowed to be retried.
public let retryLimit: UInt
/// The base of the exponential backoff policy (should always be greater than or equal to 2).
public let exponentialBackoffBase: UInt
/// The scale of the exponential backoff.
public let exponentialBackoffScale: Double
/// The HTTP methods that are allowed to be retried.
public let retryableHTTPMethods: Set<HTTPMethod>
/// The HTTP status codes that are automatically retried by the policy.
public let retryableHTTPStatusCodes: Set<Int>
/// The URL error codes that are automatically retried by the policy.
public let retryableURLErrorCodes: Set<URLError.Code>
/// Creates an `ExponentialBackoffRetryPolicy` from the specified parameters.
/// - Parameters:
/// - retryLimit: The total number of times the request is allowed to be retried. `2` by default.
/// - exponentialBackoffBase: The base of the exponential backoff policy. `2` by default.
/// - exponentialBackoffScale: The scale of the exponential backoff. `0.5` by default.
/// - retryableHTTPMethods: The HTTP methods that are allowed to be retried.
/// `RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableHTTPMethods` by default.
/// - retryableHTTPStatusCodes: The HTTP status codes that are automatically retried by the policy.
/// `RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableHTTPStatusCodes` by default.
/// - retryableURLErrorCodes: The URL error codes that are automatically retried by the policy.
/// `RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableURLErrorCodes` by default.
public init(retryLimit: UInt = RetryPolicy.defaultRetryLimit,
exponentialBackoffBase: UInt = RetryPolicy.defaultExponentialBackoffBase,
exponentialBackoffScale: Double = RetryPolicy.defaultExponentialBackoffScale,
retryableHTTPMethods: Set<HTTPMethod> = RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableHTTPMethods,
retryableHTTPStatusCodes: Set<Int> = RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableHTTPStatusCodes,
retryableURLErrorCodes: Set<URLError.Code> = RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableURLErrorCodes) {
precondition(exponentialBackoffBase >= 2, "The `exponentialBackoffBase` must be a minimum of 2.")
self.retryLimit = retryLimit
self.exponentialBackoffBase = exponentialBackoffBase
self.exponentialBackoffScale = exponentialBackoffScale
self.retryableHTTPMethods = retryableHTTPMethods
self.retryableHTTPStatusCodes = retryableHTTPStatusCodes
self.retryableURLErrorCodes = retryableURLErrorCodes
open func retry(_ request: Request,
for session: Session,
dueTo error: Error,
completion: @escaping (RetryResult) -> Void) {
if request.retryCount < retryLimit, shouldRetry(request: request, dueTo: error) {
completion(.retryWithDelay(pow(Double(exponentialBackoffBase), Double(request.retryCount)) * exponentialBackoffScale))
} else {
/// Determines whether or not to retry the provided `Request`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: `Request` that failed due to the provided `Error`.
/// - error: `Error` encountered while executing the `Request`.
/// - Returns: `Bool` determining whether or not to retry the `Request`.
open func shouldRetry(request: Request, dueTo error: Error) -> Bool {
guard let httpMethod = request.request?.method, retryableHTTPMethods.contains(httpMethod) else { return false }
if let statusCode = request.response?.statusCode, retryableHTTPStatusCodes.contains(statusCode) {
return true
} else {
let errorCode = (error as? URLError)?.code
let afErrorCode = (error.asAFError?.underlyingError as? URLError)?.code
guard let code = errorCode ?? afErrorCode else { return false }
return retryableURLErrorCodes.contains(code)
// MARK: -
/// A retry policy that automatically retries idempotent requests for network connection lost errors. For more
/// information about retrying network connection lost errors, please refer to Apple's
/// [technical document](
open class ConnectionLostRetryPolicy: RetryPolicy {
/// Creates a `ConnectionLostRetryPolicy` instance from the specified parameters.
/// - Parameters:
/// - retryLimit: The total number of times the request is allowed to be retried.
/// `RetryPolicy.defaultRetryLimit` by default.
/// - exponentialBackoffBase: The base of the exponential backoff policy.
/// `RetryPolicy.defaultExponentialBackoffBase` by default.
/// - exponentialBackoffScale: The scale of the exponential backoff.
/// `RetryPolicy.defaultExponentialBackoffScale` by default.
/// - retryableHTTPMethods: The idempotent http methods to retry.
/// `RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableHTTPMethods` by default.
public init(retryLimit: UInt = RetryPolicy.defaultRetryLimit,
exponentialBackoffBase: UInt = RetryPolicy.defaultExponentialBackoffBase,
exponentialBackoffScale: Double = RetryPolicy.defaultExponentialBackoffScale,
retryableHTTPMethods: Set<HTTPMethod> = RetryPolicy.defaultRetryableHTTPMethods) {
super.init(retryLimit: retryLimit,
exponentialBackoffBase: exponentialBackoffBase,
exponentialBackoffScale: exponentialBackoffScale,
retryableHTTPMethods: retryableHTTPMethods,
retryableHTTPStatusCodes: [],
retryableURLErrorCodes: [.networkConnectionLost])