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// Session.swift
// Copyright (c) 2014-2018 Alamofire Software Foundation (
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import Foundation
/// `Session` creates and manages Alamofire's `Request` types during their lifetimes. It also provides common
/// functionality for all `Request`s, including queuing, interception, trust management, redirect handling, and response
/// cache handling.
open class Session {
/// Shared singleton instance used by all `AF.request` APIs. Cannot be modified.
public static let `default` = Session()
/// Underlying `URLSession` used to create `URLSessionTasks` for this instance, and for which this instance's
/// `delegate` handles `URLSessionDelegate` callbacks.
/// - Note: This instance should **NOT** be used to interact with the underlying `URLSessionTask`s. Doing so will
/// break internal Alamofire logic that tracks those tasks.
public let session: URLSession
/// Instance's `SessionDelegate`, which handles the `URLSessionDelegate` methods and `Request` interaction.
public let delegate: SessionDelegate
/// Root `DispatchQueue` for all internal callbacks and state update. **MUST** be a serial queue.
public let rootQueue: DispatchQueue
/// Value determining whether this instance automatically calls `resume()` on all created `Request`s.
public let startRequestsImmediately: Bool
/// `DispatchQueue` on which `URLRequest`s are created asynchronously. By default this queue uses `rootQueue` as its
/// `target`, but a separate queue can be used if request creation is determined to be a bottleneck. Always profile
/// and test before introducing an additional queue.
public let requestQueue: DispatchQueue
/// `DispatchQueue` passed to all `Request`s on which they perform their response serialization. By default this
/// queue uses `rootQueue` as its `target` but a separate queue can be used if response serialization is determined
/// to be a bottleneck. Always profile and test before introducing an additional queue.
public let serializationQueue: DispatchQueue
/// `RequestInterceptor` used for all `Request` created by the instance. `RequestInterceptor`s can also be set on a
/// per-`Request` basis, in which case the `Request`'s interceptor takes precedence over this value.
public let interceptor: RequestInterceptor?
/// `ServerTrustManager` instance used to evaluate all trust challenges and provide certificate and key pinning.
public let serverTrustManager: ServerTrustManager?
/// `RedirectHandler` instance used to provide customization for request redirection.
public let redirectHandler: RedirectHandler?
/// `CachedResponseHandler` instance used to provide customization of cached response handling.
public let cachedResponseHandler: CachedResponseHandler?
/// `CompositeEventMonitor` used to compose Alamofire's `defaultEventMonitors` and any passed `EventMonitor`s.
public let eventMonitor: CompositeEventMonitor
/// `EventMonitor`s included in all instances. `[AlamofireNotifications()]` by default.
public let defaultEventMonitors: [EventMonitor] = [AlamofireNotifications()]
/// Internal map between `Request`s and any `URLSessionTasks` that may be in flight for them.
var requestTaskMap = RequestTaskMap()
/// `Set` of currently active `Request`s.
var activeRequests: Set<Request> = []
/// Completion events awaiting `URLSessionTaskMetrics`.
var waitingCompletions: [URLSessionTask: () -> Void] = [:]
/// Creates a `Session` from a `URLSession` and other parameters.
/// - Note: When passing a `URLSession`, you must create the `URLSession` with a specific `delegateQueue` value and
/// pass the `delegateQueue`'s `underlyingQueue` as the `rootQueue` parameter of this initializer.
/// - Parameters:
/// - session: Underlying `URLSession` for this instance.
/// - delegate: `SessionDelegate` that handles `session`'s delegate callbacks as well as `Request`
/// interaction.
/// - rootQueue: Root `DispatchQueue` for all internal callbacks and state updates. **MUST** be a
/// serial queue.
/// - startRequestsImmediately: Determines whether this instance will automatically start all `Request`s. `true`
/// by default. If set to `false`, all `Request`s created must have `.resume()` called.
/// on them for them to start.
/// - requestQueue: `DispatchQueue` on which to perform `URLRequest` creation. By default this queue
/// will use the `rootQueue` as its `target`. A separate queue can be used if it's
/// determined request creation is a bottleneck, but that should only be done after
/// careful testing and profiling. `nil` by default.
/// - serializationQueue: `DispatchQueue` on which to perform all response serialization. By default this
/// queue will use the `rootQueue` as its `target`. A separate queue can be used if
/// it's determined response serialization is a bottleneck, but that should only be
/// done after careful testing and profiling. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` to be used for all `Request`s created by this instance. `nil`
/// by default.
/// - serverTrustManager: `ServerTrustManager` to be used for all trust evaluations by this instance. `nil`
/// by default.
/// - redirectHandler: `RedirectHandler` to be used by all `Request`s created by this instance. `nil` by
/// default.
/// - cachedResponseHandler: `CachedResponseHandler` to be used by all `Request`s created by this instance.
/// `nil` by default.
/// - eventMonitors: Additional `EventMonitor`s used by the instance. Alamofire always adds a
/// `AlamofireNotifications` `EventMonitor` to the array passed here. `[]` by default.
public init(session: URLSession,
delegate: SessionDelegate,
rootQueue: DispatchQueue,
startRequestsImmediately: Bool = true,
requestQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
serializationQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
serverTrustManager: ServerTrustManager? = nil,
redirectHandler: RedirectHandler? = nil,
cachedResponseHandler: CachedResponseHandler? = nil,
eventMonitors: [EventMonitor] = []) {
precondition(session.configuration.identifier == nil,
"Alamofire does not support background URLSessionConfigurations.")
precondition(session.delegateQueue.underlyingQueue === rootQueue,
"Session(session:) initializer must be passed the DispatchQueue used as the delegateQueue's underlyingQueue as rootQueue.")
self.session = session
self.delegate = delegate
self.rootQueue = rootQueue
self.startRequestsImmediately = startRequestsImmediately
self.requestQueue = requestQueue ?? DispatchQueue(label: "\(rootQueue.label).requestQueue", target: rootQueue)
self.serializationQueue = serializationQueue ?? DispatchQueue(label: "\(rootQueue.label).serializationQueue", target: rootQueue)
self.interceptor = interceptor
self.serverTrustManager = serverTrustManager
self.redirectHandler = redirectHandler
self.cachedResponseHandler = cachedResponseHandler
eventMonitor = CompositeEventMonitor(monitors: defaultEventMonitors + eventMonitors)
delegate.eventMonitor = eventMonitor
delegate.stateProvider = self
/// Creates a `Session` from a `URLSessionConfiguration`.
/// - Note: This initializer lets Alamofire handle the creation of the underlying `URLSession` and its
/// `delegateQueue`, and is the recommended initializer for most uses.
/// - Parameters:
/// - configuration: `URLSessionConfiguration` to be used to create the underlying `URLSession`. Changes
/// to this value after being passed to this initializer will have no effect.
/// `` by default.
/// - delegate: `SessionDelegate` that handles `session`'s delegate callbacks as well as `Request`
/// interaction. `SessionDelegate()` by default.
/// - rootQueue: Root `DispatchQueue` for all internal callbacks and state updates. **MUST** be a
/// serial queue. `DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.session.rootQueue")` by default.
/// - startRequestsImmediately: Determines whether this instance will automatically start all `Request`s. `true`
/// by default. If set to `false`, all `Request`s created must have `.resume()` called.
/// on them for them to start.
/// - requestQueue: `DispatchQueue` on which to perform `URLRequest` creation. By default this queue
/// will use the `rootQueue` as its `target`. A separate queue can be used if it's
/// determined request creation is a bottleneck, but that should only be done after
/// careful testing and profiling. `nil` by default.
/// - serializationQueue: `DispatchQueue` on which to perform all response serialization. By default this
/// queue will use the `rootQueue` as its `target`. A separate queue can be used if
/// it's determined response serialization is a bottleneck, but that should only be
/// done after careful testing and profiling. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` to be used for all `Request`s created by this instance. `nil`
/// by default.
/// - serverTrustManager: `ServerTrustManager` to be used for all trust evaluations by this instance. `nil`
/// by default.
/// - redirectHandler: `RedirectHandler` to be used by all `Request`s created by this instance. `nil` by
/// default.
/// - cachedResponseHandler: `CachedResponseHandler` to be used by all `Request`s created by this instance.
/// `nil` by default.
/// - eventMonitors: Additional `EventMonitor`s used by the instance. Alamofire always adds a
/// `AlamofireNotifications` `EventMonitor` to the array passed here. `[]` by default.
public convenience init(configuration: URLSessionConfiguration =,
delegate: SessionDelegate = SessionDelegate(),
rootQueue: DispatchQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "org.alamofire.session.rootQueue"),
startRequestsImmediately: Bool = true,
requestQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
serializationQueue: DispatchQueue? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
serverTrustManager: ServerTrustManager? = nil,
redirectHandler: RedirectHandler? = nil,
cachedResponseHandler: CachedResponseHandler? = nil,
eventMonitors: [EventMonitor] = []) {
precondition(configuration.identifier == nil, "Alamofire does not support background URLSessionConfigurations.")
let delegateQueue = OperationQueue(maxConcurrentOperationCount: 1, underlyingQueue: rootQueue, name: "org.alamofire.session.sessionDelegateQueue")
let session = URLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate: delegate, delegateQueue: delegateQueue)
self.init(session: session,
delegate: delegate,
rootQueue: rootQueue,
startRequestsImmediately: startRequestsImmediately,
requestQueue: requestQueue,
serializationQueue: serializationQueue,
interceptor: interceptor,
serverTrustManager: serverTrustManager,
redirectHandler: redirectHandler,
cachedResponseHandler: cachedResponseHandler,
eventMonitors: eventMonitors)
deinit {
// MARK: - Cancellation
/// Cancel all active `Request`s, optionally calling a completion handler when complete.
/// - Note: This is an asynchronous operation and does not block the creation of future `Request`s. Cancelled
/// `Request`s may not cancel immediately due internal work, and may not cancel at all if they are close to
/// completion when cancelled.
/// - Parameters:
/// - queue: `DispatchQueue` on which the completion handler is run. `.main` by default.
/// - completion: Closure to be called when all `Request`s have been cancelled.
public func cancelAllRequests(completingOnQueue queue: DispatchQueue = .main, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) {
rootQueue.async {
self.activeRequests.forEach { $0.cancel() }
queue.async { completion?() }
// MARK: - DataRequest
/// Closure which provides a `URLRequest` for mutation.
public typealias RequestModifier = (inout URLRequest) throws -> Void
struct RequestConvertible: URLRequestConvertible {
let url: URLConvertible
let method: HTTPMethod
let parameters: Parameters?
let encoding: ParameterEncoding
let headers: HTTPHeaders?
let requestModifier: RequestModifier?
func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
var request = try URLRequest(url: url, method: method, headers: headers)
try requestModifier?(&request)
return try encoding.encode(request, with: parameters)
/// Creates a `DataRequest` from a `URLRequest` created using the passed components and a `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.get` by default.
/// - parameters: `Parameters` (a.k.a. `[String: Any]`) value to be encoded into the `URLRequest`. `nil` by
/// default.
/// - encoding: `ParameterEncoding` to be used to encode the `parameters` value into the `URLRequest`.
/// `URLEncoding.default` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the provided
/// parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DataRequest`.
open func request(_ convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoding: ParameterEncoding = URLEncoding.default,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> DataRequest {
let convertible = RequestConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
parameters: parameters,
encoding: encoding,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return request(convertible, interceptor: interceptor)
struct RequestEncodableConvertible<Parameters: Encodable>: URLRequestConvertible {
let url: URLConvertible
let method: HTTPMethod
let parameters: Parameters?
let encoder: ParameterEncoder
let headers: HTTPHeaders?
let requestModifier: RequestModifier?
func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
var request = try URLRequest(url: url, method: method, headers: headers)
try requestModifier?(&request)
return try { try encoder.encode($0, into: request) } ?? request
/// Creates a `DataRequest` from a `URLRequest` created using the passed components, `Encodable` parameters, and a
/// `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.get` by default.
/// - parameters: `Encodable` value to be encoded into the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - encoder: `ParameterEncoder` to be used to encode the `parameters` value into the `URLRequest`.
/// `URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DataRequest`.
open func request<Parameters: Encodable>(_ convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoder: ParameterEncoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> DataRequest {
let convertible = RequestEncodableConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: encoder,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return request(convertible, interceptor: interceptor)
/// Creates a `DataRequest` from a `URLRequestConvertible` value and a `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DataRequest`.
open func request(_ convertible: URLRequestConvertible, interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil) -> DataRequest {
let request = DataRequest(convertible: convertible,
underlyingQueue: rootQueue,
serializationQueue: serializationQueue,
eventMonitor: eventMonitor,
interceptor: interceptor,
delegate: self)
return request
// MARK: - DataStreamRequest
/// Creates a `DataStreamRequest` from the passed components, `Encodable` parameters, and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.get` by default.
/// - parameters: `Encodable` value to be encoded into the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - encoder: `ParameterEncoder` to be used to encode the `parameters` value into the
/// `URLRequest`.
/// `URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: `Bool` indicating whether the instance should be canceled when an `Error`
/// is thrown while serializing stream `Data`. `false` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil`
/// by default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from
/// the provided parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DataStream` request.
open func streamRequest<Parameters: Encodable>(_ convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoder: ParameterEncoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: Bool = false,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> DataStreamRequest {
let convertible = RequestEncodableConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: encoder,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return streamRequest(convertible,
automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: automaticallyCancelOnStreamError,
interceptor: interceptor)
/// Creates a `DataStreamRequest` from the passed components and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.get` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: `Bool` indicating whether the instance should be canceled when an `Error`
/// is thrown while serializing stream `Data`. `false` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil`
/// by default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from
/// the provided parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DataStream` request.
open func streamRequest(_ convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: Bool = false,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> DataStreamRequest {
let convertible = RequestEncodableConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
parameters: Optional<Empty>.none,
encoder: URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return streamRequest(convertible,
automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: automaticallyCancelOnStreamError,
interceptor: interceptor)
/// Creates a `DataStreamRequest` from the passed `URLRequestConvertible` value and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: `Bool` indicating whether the instance should be canceled when an `Error`
/// is thrown while serializing stream `Data`. `false` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil`
/// by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DataStreamRequest`.
open func streamRequest(_ convertible: URLRequestConvertible,
automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: Bool = false,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil) -> DataStreamRequest {
let request = DataStreamRequest(convertible: convertible,
automaticallyCancelOnStreamError: automaticallyCancelOnStreamError,
underlyingQueue: rootQueue,
serializationQueue: serializationQueue,
eventMonitor: eventMonitor,
interceptor: interceptor,
delegate: self)
return request
// MARK: - DownloadRequest
/// Creates a `DownloadRequest` using a `URLRequest` created using the passed components, `RequestInterceptor`, and
/// `Destination`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.get` by default.
/// - parameters: `Parameters` (a.k.a. `[String: Any]`) value to be encoded into the `URLRequest`. `nil` by
/// default.
/// - encoding: `ParameterEncoding` to be used to encode the `parameters` value into the `URLRequest`.
/// Defaults to `URLEncoding.default`.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the provided
/// parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - destination: `DownloadRequest.Destination` closure used to determine how and where the downloaded file
/// should be moved. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DownloadRequest`.
open func download(_ convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoding: ParameterEncoding = URLEncoding.default,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil,
to destination: DownloadRequest.Destination? = nil) -> DownloadRequest {
let convertible = RequestConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
parameters: parameters,
encoding: encoding,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return download(convertible, interceptor: interceptor, to: destination)
/// Creates a `DownloadRequest` from a `URLRequest` created using the passed components, `Encodable` parameters, and
/// a `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.get` by default.
/// - parameters: Value conforming to `Encodable` to be encoded into the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - encoder: `ParameterEncoder` to be used to encode the `parameters` value into the `URLRequest`.
/// Defaults to `URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default`.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the provided
/// parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - destination: `DownloadRequest.Destination` closure used to determine how and where the downloaded file
/// should be moved. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DownloadRequest`.
open func download<Parameters: Encodable>(_ convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .get,
parameters: Parameters? = nil,
encoder: ParameterEncoder = URLEncodedFormParameterEncoder.default,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil,
to destination: DownloadRequest.Destination? = nil) -> DownloadRequest {
let convertible = RequestEncodableConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
parameters: parameters,
encoder: encoder,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return download(convertible, interceptor: interceptor, to: destination)
/// Creates a `DownloadRequest` from a `URLRequestConvertible` value, a `RequestInterceptor`, and a `Destination`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - convertible: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - destination: `DownloadRequest.Destination` closure used to determine how and where the downloaded file
/// should be moved. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DownloadRequest`.
open func download(_ convertible: URLRequestConvertible,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
to destination: DownloadRequest.Destination? = nil) -> DownloadRequest {
let request = DownloadRequest(downloadable: .request(convertible),
underlyingQueue: rootQueue,
serializationQueue: serializationQueue,
eventMonitor: eventMonitor,
interceptor: interceptor,
delegate: self,
destination: destination ?? DownloadRequest.defaultDestination)
return request
/// Creates a `DownloadRequest` from the `resumeData` produced from a previously cancelled `DownloadRequest`, as
/// well as a `RequestInterceptor`, and a `Destination`.
/// - Note: If `destination` is not specified, the download will be moved to a temporary location determined by
/// Alamofire. The file will not be deleted until the system purges the temporary files.
/// - Note: On some versions of all Apple platforms (iOS 10 - 10.2, macOS 10.12 - 10.12.2, tvOS 10 - 10.1, watchOS 3 - 3.1.1),
/// `resumeData` is broken on background URL session configurations. There's an underlying bug in the `resumeData`
/// generation logic where the data is written incorrectly and will always fail to resume the download. For more
/// information about the bug and possible workarounds, please refer to the [this Stack Overflow post](
/// - Parameters:
/// - data: The resume data from a previously cancelled `DownloadRequest` or `URLSessionDownloadTask`.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - destination: `DownloadRequest.Destination` closure used to determine how and where the downloaded file
/// should be moved. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `DownloadRequest`.
open func download(resumingWith data: Data,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
to destination: DownloadRequest.Destination? = nil) -> DownloadRequest {
let request = DownloadRequest(downloadable: .resumeData(data),
underlyingQueue: rootQueue,
serializationQueue: serializationQueue,
eventMonitor: eventMonitor,
interceptor: interceptor,
delegate: self,
destination: destination ?? DownloadRequest.defaultDestination)
return request
// MARK: - UploadRequest
struct ParameterlessRequestConvertible: URLRequestConvertible {
let url: URLConvertible
let method: HTTPMethod
let headers: HTTPHeaders?
let requestModifier: RequestModifier?
func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
var request = try URLRequest(url: url, method: method, headers: headers)
try requestModifier?(&request)
return request
struct Upload: UploadConvertible {
let request: URLRequestConvertible
let uploadable: UploadableConvertible
func createUploadable() throws -> UploadRequest.Uploadable {
try uploadable.createUploadable()
func asURLRequest() throws -> URLRequest {
try request.asURLRequest()
// MARK: Data
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` for the given `Data`, `URLRequest` components, and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - data: The `Data` to upload.
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.post` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` instance to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `.default` instance by
/// default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the provided
/// parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(_ data: Data,
to convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .post,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> UploadRequest {
let convertible = ParameterlessRequestConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return upload(data, with: convertible, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` for the given `Data` using the `URLRequestConvertible` value and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - data: The `Data` to upload.
/// - convertible: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` instance to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `.default` instance by
/// default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(_ data: Data,
with convertible: URLRequestConvertible,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default) -> UploadRequest {
upload(.data(data), with: convertible, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
// MARK: File
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` for the file at the given file `URL`, using a `URLRequest` from the provided
/// components and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - fileURL: The `URL` of the file to upload.
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.post` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` instance to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `.default` instance by
/// default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the provided
/// parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(_ fileURL: URL,
to convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .post,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> UploadRequest {
let convertible = ParameterlessRequestConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return upload(fileURL, with: convertible, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` for the file at the given file `URL` using the `URLRequestConvertible` value and
/// `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - fileURL: The `URL` of the file to upload.
/// - convertible: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` instance to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `.default` instance by
/// default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(_ fileURL: URL,
with convertible: URLRequestConvertible,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default) -> UploadRequest {
upload(.file(fileURL, shouldRemove: false), with: convertible, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
// MARK: InputStream
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` from the `InputStream` provided using a `URLRequest` from the provided components and
/// `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - stream: The `InputStream` that provides the data to upload.
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.post` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` instance to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `.default` instance by
/// default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the provided
/// parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(_ stream: InputStream,
to convertible: URLConvertible,
method: HTTPMethod = .post,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> UploadRequest {
let convertible = ParameterlessRequestConvertible(url: convertible,
method: method,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
return upload(stream, with: convertible, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` from the provided `InputStream` using the `URLRequestConvertible` value and
/// `RequestInterceptor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - stream: The `InputStream` that provides the data to upload.
/// - convertible: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` instance to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `.default` instance by
/// default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(_ stream: InputStream,
with convertible: URLRequestConvertible,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default) -> UploadRequest {
upload(.stream(stream), with: convertible, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
// MARK: MultipartFormData
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` for the multipart form data built using a closure and sent using the provided
/// `URLRequest` components and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading `MultipartFormData`. If the cumulative
/// payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most
/// efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to
/// be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory
/// footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be
/// used for larger payloads such as video content.
/// The `encodingMemoryThreshold` parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory
/// or stream from disk. If the content length of the `MultipartFormData` is below the `encodingMemoryThreshold`,
/// encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk
/// during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding
/// technique was used.
/// - Parameters:
/// - multipartFormData: `MultipartFormData` building closure.
/// - convertible: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - encodingMemoryThreshold: Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or
/// onto disk before being uploaded. `MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold` by
/// default.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.post` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` to be used if the form data exceeds the memory threshold and is
/// written to disk before being uploaded. `.default` instance by default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the
/// provided parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(multipartFormData: @escaping (MultipartFormData) -> Void,
to url: URLConvertible,
usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
method: HTTPMethod = .post,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> UploadRequest {
let convertible = ParameterlessRequestConvertible(url: url,
method: method,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
let formData = MultipartFormData(fileManager: fileManager)
return upload(multipartFormData: formData,
with: convertible,
usingThreshold: encodingMemoryThreshold,
interceptor: interceptor,
fileManager: fileManager)
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` using a `MultipartFormData` building closure, the provided `URLRequestConvertible`
/// value, and a `RequestInterceptor`.
/// It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading `MultipartFormData`. If the cumulative
/// payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most
/// efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to
/// be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory
/// footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be
/// used for larger payloads such as video content.
/// The `encodingMemoryThreshold` parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory
/// or stream from disk. If the content length of the `MultipartFormData` is below the `encodingMemoryThreshold`,
/// encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk
/// during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding
/// technique was used.
/// - Parameters:
/// - multipartFormData: `MultipartFormData` building closure.
/// - request: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - encodingMemoryThreshold: Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or
/// onto disk before being uploaded. `MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold` by
/// default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` to be used if the form data exceeds the memory threshold and is
/// written to disk before being uploaded. `.default` instance by default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(multipartFormData: @escaping (MultipartFormData) -> Void,
with request: URLRequestConvertible,
usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default) -> UploadRequest {
let formData = MultipartFormData(fileManager: fileManager)
return upload(multipartFormData: formData,
with: request,
usingThreshold: encodingMemoryThreshold,
interceptor: interceptor,
fileManager: fileManager)
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` for the prebuilt `MultipartFormData` value using the provided `URLRequest` components
/// and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading `MultipartFormData`. If the cumulative
/// payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most
/// efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to
/// be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory
/// footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be
/// used for larger payloads such as video content.
/// The `encodingMemoryThreshold` parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory
/// or stream from disk. If the content length of the `MultipartFormData` is below the `encodingMemoryThreshold`,
/// encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk
/// during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding
/// technique was used.
/// - Parameters:
/// - multipartFormData: `MultipartFormData` instance to upload.
/// - url: `URLConvertible` value to be used as the `URLRequest`'s `URL`.
/// - encodingMemoryThreshold: Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or
/// onto disk before being uploaded. `MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold` by
/// default.
/// - method: `HTTPMethod` for the `URLRequest`. `.post` by default.
/// - headers: `HTTPHeaders` value to be added to the `URLRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` to be used if the form data exceeds the memory threshold and is
/// written to disk before being uploaded. `.default` instance by default.
/// - requestModifier: `RequestModifier` which will be applied to the `URLRequest` created from the
/// provided parameters. `nil` by default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(multipartFormData: MultipartFormData,
to url: URLConvertible,
usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
method: HTTPMethod = .post,
headers: HTTPHeaders? = nil,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default,
requestModifier: RequestModifier? = nil) -> UploadRequest {
let convertible = ParameterlessRequestConvertible(url: url,
method: method,
headers: headers,
requestModifier: requestModifier)
let multipartUpload = MultipartUpload(isInBackgroundSession: session.configuration.identifier != nil,
encodingMemoryThreshold: encodingMemoryThreshold,
request: convertible,
multipartFormData: multipartFormData)
return upload(multipartUpload, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
/// Creates an `UploadRequest` for the prebuilt `MultipartFormData` value using the providing `URLRequestConvertible`
/// value and `RequestInterceptor`.
/// It is important to understand the memory implications of uploading `MultipartFormData`. If the cumulative
/// payload is small, encoding the data in-memory and directly uploading to a server is the by far the most
/// efficient approach. However, if the payload is too large, encoding the data in-memory could cause your app to
/// be terminated. Larger payloads must first be written to disk using input and output streams to keep the memory
/// footprint low, then the data can be uploaded as a stream from the resulting file. Streaming from disk MUST be
/// used for larger payloads such as video content.
/// The `encodingMemoryThreshold` parameter allows Alamofire to automatically determine whether to encode in-memory
/// or stream from disk. If the content length of the `MultipartFormData` is below the `encodingMemoryThreshold`,
/// encoding takes place in-memory. If the content length exceeds the threshold, the data is streamed to disk
/// during the encoding process. Then the result is uploaded as data or as a stream depending on which encoding
/// technique was used.
/// - Parameters:
/// - multipartFormData: `MultipartFormData` instance to upload.
/// - request: `URLRequestConvertible` value to be used to create the `URLRequest`.
/// - encodingMemoryThreshold: Byte threshold used to determine whether the form data is encoded into memory or
/// onto disk before being uploaded. `MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold` by
/// default.
/// - interceptor: `RequestInterceptor` value to be used by the returned `DataRequest`. `nil` by default.
/// - fileManager: `FileManager` instance to be used by the returned `UploadRequest`. `.default` instance by
/// default.
/// - Returns: The created `UploadRequest`.
open func upload(multipartFormData: MultipartFormData,
with request: URLRequestConvertible,
usingThreshold encodingMemoryThreshold: UInt64 = MultipartFormData.encodingMemoryThreshold,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor? = nil,
fileManager: FileManager = .default) -> UploadRequest {
let multipartUpload = MultipartUpload(isInBackgroundSession: session.configuration.identifier != nil,
encodingMemoryThreshold: encodingMemoryThreshold,
request: request,
multipartFormData: multipartFormData)
return upload(multipartUpload, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
// MARK: - Internal API
// MARK: Uploadable
func upload(_ uploadable: UploadRequest.Uploadable,
with convertible: URLRequestConvertible,
interceptor: RequestInterceptor?,
fileManager: FileManager) -> UploadRequest {
let uploadable = Upload(request: convertible, uploadable: uploadable)
return upload(uploadable, interceptor: interceptor, fileManager: fileManager)
func upload(_ upload: UploadConvertible, interceptor: RequestInterceptor?, fileManager: FileManager) -> UploadRequest {
let request = UploadRequest(convertible: upload,
underlyingQueue: rootQueue,
serializationQueue: serializationQueue,
eventMonitor: eventMonitor,
interceptor: interceptor,
fileManager: fileManager,
delegate: self)
return request
// MARK: Perform
/// Starts performing the provided `Request`.
/// - Parameter request: The `Request` to perform.
func perform(_ request: Request) {
rootQueue.async {
guard !request.isCancelled else { return }
self.requestQueue.async {
// Leaf types must come first, otherwise they will cast as their superclass.
switch request {
case let r as UploadRequest: self.performUploadRequest(r) // UploadRequest must come before DataRequest due to subtype relationship.
case let r as DataRequest: self.performDataRequest(r)
case let r as DownloadRequest: self.performDownloadRequest(r)
case let r as DataStreamRequest: self.performDataStreamRequest(r)
default: fatalError("Attempted to perform unsupported Request subclass: \(type(of: request))")
func performDataRequest(_ request: DataRequest) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(requestQueue))
performSetupOperations(for: request, convertible: request.convertible)
func performDataStreamRequest(_ request: DataStreamRequest) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(requestQueue))
performSetupOperations(for: request, convertible: request.convertible)
func performUploadRequest(_ request: UploadRequest) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(requestQueue))
do {
let uploadable = try request.upload.createUploadable()
rootQueue.async { request.didCreateUploadable(uploadable) }
performSetupOperations(for: request, convertible: request.convertible)
} catch {
rootQueue.async { request.didFailToCreateUploadable(with: error.asAFError(or: .createUploadableFailed(error: error))) }
func performDownloadRequest(_ request: DownloadRequest) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(requestQueue))
switch request.downloadable {
case let .request(convertible):
performSetupOperations(for: request, convertible: convertible)
case let .resumeData(resumeData):
rootQueue.async { self.didReceiveResumeData(resumeData, for: request) }
func performSetupOperations(for request: Request, convertible: URLRequestConvertible) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(requestQueue))
let initialRequest: URLRequest
do {
initialRequest = try convertible.asURLRequest()
try initialRequest.validate()
} catch {
rootQueue.async { request.didFailToCreateURLRequest(with: error.asAFError(or: .createURLRequestFailed(error: error))) }
rootQueue.async { request.didCreateInitialURLRequest(initialRequest) }
guard !request.isCancelled else { return }
guard let adapter = adapter(for: request) else {
rootQueue.async { self.didCreateURLRequest(initialRequest, for: request) }
adapter.adapt(initialRequest, for: self) { result in
do {
let adaptedRequest = try result.get()
try adaptedRequest.validate()
self.rootQueue.async {
request.didAdaptInitialRequest(initialRequest, to: adaptedRequest)
self.didCreateURLRequest(adaptedRequest, for: request)
} catch {
self.rootQueue.async { request.didFailToAdaptURLRequest(initialRequest, withError: .requestAdaptationFailed(error: error)) }
// MARK: - Task Handling
func didCreateURLRequest(_ urlRequest: URLRequest, for request: Request) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
guard !request.isCancelled else { return }
let task = request.task(for: urlRequest, using: session)
requestTaskMap[request] = task
updateStatesForTask(task, request: request)
func didReceiveResumeData(_ data: Data, for request: DownloadRequest) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
guard !request.isCancelled else { return }
let task = request.task(forResumeData: data, using: session)
requestTaskMap[request] = task
updateStatesForTask(task, request: request)
func updateStatesForTask(_ task: URLSessionTask, request: Request) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
request.withState { state in
switch state {
case .initialized, .finished:
// Do nothing.
case .resumed:
rootQueue.async { request.didResumeTask(task) }
case .suspended:
rootQueue.async { request.didSuspendTask(task) }
case .cancelled:
// Resume to ensure metrics are gathered.
rootQueue.async { request.didCancelTask(task) }
// MARK: - Adapters and Retriers
func adapter(for request: Request) -> RequestAdapter? {
if let requestInterceptor = request.interceptor, let sessionInterceptor = interceptor {
return Interceptor(adapters: [requestInterceptor, sessionInterceptor])
} else {
return request.interceptor ?? interceptor
func retrier(for request: Request) -> RequestRetrier? {
if let requestInterceptor = request.interceptor, let sessionInterceptor = interceptor {
return Interceptor(retriers: [requestInterceptor, sessionInterceptor])
} else {
return request.interceptor ?? interceptor
// MARK: - Invalidation
func finishRequestsForDeinit() {
requestTaskMap.requests.forEach { request in
rootQueue.async {
request.finish(error: AFError.sessionDeinitialized)
// MARK: - RequestDelegate
extension Session: RequestDelegate {
public var sessionConfiguration: URLSessionConfiguration {
public var startImmediately: Bool { startRequestsImmediately }
public func cleanup(after request: Request) {
public func retryResult(for request: Request, dueTo error: AFError, completion: @escaping (RetryResult) -> Void) {
guard let retrier = retrier(for: request) else {
rootQueue.async { completion(.doNotRetry) }
retrier.retry(request, for: self, dueTo: error) { retryResult in
self.rootQueue.async {
guard let retryResultError = retryResult.error else { completion(retryResult); return }
let retryError = AFError.requestRetryFailed(retryError: retryResultError, originalError: error)
public func retryRequest(_ request: Request, withDelay timeDelay: TimeInterval?) {
rootQueue.async {
let retry: () -> Void = {
guard !request.isCancelled else { return }
if let retryDelay = timeDelay {
self.rootQueue.after(retryDelay) { retry() }
} else {
// MARK: - SessionStateProvider
extension Session: SessionStateProvider {
func request(for task: URLSessionTask) -> Request? {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
return requestTaskMap[task]
func didGatherMetricsForTask(_ task: URLSessionTask) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
let didDisassociate = requestTaskMap.disassociateIfNecessaryAfterGatheringMetricsForTask(task)
if didDisassociate {
waitingCompletions[task] = nil
func didCompleteTask(_ task: URLSessionTask, completion: @escaping () -> Void) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
let didDisassociate = requestTaskMap.disassociateIfNecessaryAfterCompletingTask(task)
if didDisassociate {
} else {
waitingCompletions[task] = completion
func credential(for task: URLSessionTask, in protectionSpace: URLProtectionSpace) -> URLCredential? {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
return requestTaskMap[task]?.credential ??
session.configuration.urlCredentialStorage?.defaultCredential(for: protectionSpace)
func cancelRequestsForSessionInvalidation(with error: Error?) {
dispatchPrecondition(condition: .onQueue(rootQueue))
requestTaskMap.requests.forEach { $0.finish(error: AFError.sessionInvalidated(error: error)) }