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3.16 33 33 0 00-2.64 4.08 3 3 0 00-1.1-3 6.37 6.37 0 01-1-.68 2.1 2.1 0 01.42-2.94 6.1 6.1 0 013.11-1.06l4.61-.68c-.14.39-.23.77-.33 1.15zm43.16 334.65a16.73 16.73 0 00-.27-4.13h1.7c-.47 1.33-.95 2.74-1.43 4.13z" transform="translate(-33.81 -66.43)" fill="url(#l)"/><path d="M165.3 272.91c-8 1.29-16.9 4.37-20 11.87-2.31 5.67-.52 12.05.07 18.14a14 14 0 01-.17 4.83c-.66 2.57-2.48 4.65-4.24 6.64a35.21 35.21 0 00-6.09 8.54c-1.44 3.2-1.9 7-.41 10.2a7.35 7.35 0 011 2.69c.1 2.08-2.08 3.4-3.68 4.73-6 5-5.75 14-5.8 21.83a110.71 110.71 0 01-10.39 46.19 14.11 14.11 0 0015.77-2.06 52.55 52.55 0 01-3.58 10.32c5.08 2.46 11.21-1.58 13.76-6.62s2.85-10.9 4.66-16.25 5-10 6.41-15.39c.45-1.78.73-3.68 1.82-5.16a13.58 13.58 0 013.2-2.73 31.23 31.23 0 0011.31-15.33c6.22 1.37 12.57 2.75 18.91 2.17s12.82-3.45 16.17-8.87c1.48-2.39 2.28-5.14 3.65-7.6 1.68-3 4.15-5.48 6-8.35 4.46-6.83 5.28-15.6 3.47-23.56s-6-15.16-11-21.61c-9.58-12.44-25.68-17.05-40.84-14.62z" fill="#303d5c"/><path d="M114.81 372.93c-.45 2.86-1 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4.16 6.41 6.41 0 00-1.11.64 6.3 6.3 0 01-.68.58 2.77 2.77 0 01-1.51.28 53.37 53.37 0 01-11.47-2c-1.72-.43-3.54-.92-4.74-2.22a9.07 9.07 0 01-1.62-3.15l-1.36-3.79a43.94 43.94 0 01-2.09-7.06 14.48 14.48 0 01.38-7.28 2.29 2.29 0 01.5 1.49 16.3 16.3 0 002.92 7.06 7.17 7.17 0 001.14 1.43 7.26 7.26 0 003.41 1.43 42.3 42.3 0 007.26.93 2 2 0 001-.12 1.79 1.79 0 00.83-1 4.42 4.42 0 000-3c-.66-1.85-2.47-3.06-3.33-4.82-.65-1.3.24-2.73 1.56-1.63a41.57 41.57 0 013.35 3.54z" fill="#303d5c"/><path d="M182.54 688.3c-.39 6.11-.66 12.71 2.68 17.84 1.21 1.84 2.82 3.39 4.19 5.12a6.1 6.1 0 011.5 3.09c.19 2.24-1.91 4.16-4.12 4.58s-4.47-.28-6.61-1a15.92 15.92 0 01-5.61-2.64c-2.91-2.46-3.68-6.56-4.26-10.32l-1.36-8.74a20.9 20.9 0 011.24-13.2l2.24-6.56a3 3 0 011-1.63 2.78 2.78 0 011.71-.32c2.14.11 7.55.89 8.59 3.16.88 1.97-1.04 8.27-1.19 10.62z" fill="#ee8e9e"/><path d="M182.54 688.3c-.39 6.11-.66 12.71 2.68 17.84 1.21 1.84 2.82 3.39 4.19 5.12a6.1 6.1 0 011.5 3.09c.19 2.24-1.91 4.16-4.12 4.58s-4.47-.28-6.61-1a15.92 15.92 0 01-5.61-2.64c-2.91-2.46-3.68-6.56-4.26-10.32l-1.36-8.74a20.9 20.9 0 011.24-13.2l2.24-6.56a3 3 0 011-1.63 2.78 2.78 0 011.71-.32c2.14.11 7.55.89 8.59 3.16.88 1.97-1.04 8.27-1.19 10.62z" opacity=".05"/><path d="M230.61 507.19a1.11 1.11 0 010 .17 7.49 7.49 0 01-.82 2.47 35.52 35.52 0 00-3.16 12.74 11.18 11.18 0 01-.44 3.22 16 16 0 01-1.64 2.83c-1.95 3.17-2.4 7-3.05 10.63a84 84 0 01-3.72 13.94c-2.23 6.18-5.23 12.5-4.21 19a19.52 19.52 0 01.58 4.67 13.56 13.56 0 01-1.83 4.91q-1.12 2.22-2 4.55c-.65 1.66-1.23 3.36-1.74 5.08-.6 2.09-1 4.57.38 6.25a7.62 7.62 0 011.13 1.37 3.67 3.67 0 010 2.36q-1.19 5-2.54 10c-.7 2.6-1.44 5.18-2.2 7.76-5.62 18.87-12 37.55-15.76 56.88-.54 2.78-4.11 4.77-6.87 5.38a9 9 0 01-7.9-2.11c-.19-.17-.37-.36-.54-.54-2.9-3.12-3.33-7.91-3.11-12.23 1-19.89 11-38.1 15.76-57.43a111.1 111.1 0 003.1-21.32c1.11-24 1.56-49.38-5.23-72.45-1.41-4.8-3.08-10.22-.54-14.52 1.6-2.72 4.57-4.33 7.51-5.49a48.31 48.31 0 0137.46 1 11.64 11.64 0 01-.06 1.44 14.76 14.76 0 00.76 6.62 8.41 8.41 0 01.68 2.82zm-82.22 187.26l-1.27 4.62a52.36 52.36 0 01-2.7 8.13 34.92 34.92 0 00-2.4 5.52 17.13 17.13 0 00-.41 4.74 14.15 14.15 0 00.65 4.49 11.15 11.15 0 006.54 6.2 30.48 30.48 0 009.1 1.71 7.36 7.36 0 002.39-.06 6.49 6.49 0 002.31-1.21c4.22-3.09 6.39-8.79 6.77-14a17.2 17.2 0 00-.71-3.58c-.33-.44-3.52 1.36-2.15 2.87 2 2.22-3.89 1.07-6.89.88a25.91 25.91 0 01-3.91-.64l-4.86-1c-1.59-.34-3.42-.89-4-2.41s.66-3.34 1.62-4.82c2.54-3.93 3.2-8.74 3.79-13.38.11-.91 1.25-6.82-1.1-5a6.63 6.63 0 00-1.63 3.07c-.43 1.25-.79 2.56-1.14 3.87z" fill="#303d5c"/><path d="M208.91 597.66c-1.38-1.68-1-4.16-.37-6.25.22-.78.47-1.55.73-2.32l-19.08-6.46c-.07 1.72-.15 3.42-.23 5.12a110.52 110.52 0 01-3.09 21.33c-4.77 19.32-14.78 37.53-15.76 57.41-.23 4.58.26 9.7 3.65 12.78a9 9 0 007.89 2.12c2.77-.61 6.33-2.61 6.88-5.39 3.78-19.33 10.13-38 15.76-56.89q2.63-8.79 4.74-17.72a3.64 3.64 0 000-2.35 7 7 0 00-1.12-1.38z" opacity=".05"/><path d="M156.19 673.49c-1.51 2.6-3.81 4.9-4.16 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4.57-4.33 7.51-5.49a48.31 48.31 0 0137.46 1 11.64 11.64 0 01-.06 1.44 14.76 14.76 0 00.76 6.62 8.41 8.41 0 01.75 2.88s.34-3.87.33-3.81c-7.75 1.11-15.93 6.18-23.75 7.33a55.43 55.43 0 00-11.91 2.62 5.36 5.36 0 00-2.43 1.59z" opacity=".05"/><path d="M138.86 472.35q-1.57 5-2.77 10.1a8.45 8.45 0 00-.28 3.63c.25 1.14 1 2.16 1.08 3.32.18 1.8-1.07 3.39-1.76 5.06-1.76 4.25.12 9.05 2 13.26l5.52 12.5 4.54 10.26c1.35 3.05 2.69 6.1 4 9.17a297.33 297.33 0 0114.41 43.19 5.32 5.32 0 00.74 1.88c.77 1 2.16 1.32 3.28 1.94 3.4 1.86 3.79 7.44.68 9.76.64 7.51-5 14.76-7.89 21.72-6.68 16-5.47 34-7.76 51.2l2.59-1.52c2.49 1.14 2.4 4.67 3.74 7.06 2 3.59 6.92 4.09 11 3.82a8.52 8.52 0 003.67-.85 3.1 3.1 0 001.66-3.15c-3.87-17.55 8.7-35.37 17.41-51.09a34.63 34.63 0 014.82-7.07c1.48-1.56 3.21-2.87 4.59-4.51 3.84-4.61 4.33-11.11 4.07-17.11a95.78 95.78 0 00-10.9-40.41c.7-4.32-1-9.11-1.8-13.41a105.27 105.27 0 00-3.31-14.07c-.86-2.59-1.91-5.11-2.55-7.75-.35-1.46-.54-3.14.35-4.35a5.39 5.39 0 012.46-1.59 55.43 55.43 0 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001.69 3.89 87.5 87.5 0 007.31 10.87 18.83 18.83 0 004.55 4.49 7.48 7.48 0 006.12 1.09 3.77 3.77 0 00-2 1.82c-2.19 4.34-2.35 9.48-1.42 14.24a14.4 14.4 0 001.6 4.66 6.92 6.92 0 003.66 3.17 5.38 5.38 0 01-6.35 4.56 10.33 10.33 0 01-3.15-1.57l-9.24-6a25.71 25.71 0 01-4.3-3.23c-1.73-1.72-2.93-3.9-4.61-5.67-2.86-3-7.06-4.84-9.08-8.48-1.27-2.28-1.49-5-2.27-7.46-.51-1.63-1.26-3.17-1.75-4.81-1.52-5.06-.42-10.61 1.89-15.36s5.99-8.47 9.41-12.51z" fill="#5369f8"/><path d="M202.37 297.98a32.26 32.26 0 00-8.56-8.91c-4.55-3.39-9.78-6.21-15.45-6.53a16.72 16.72 0 00-6.95 1.13c-.11-6.87-1.81-11.45-6.11-10.76-8 1.29-16.9 4.37-20 11.87-2.31 5.67-.52 12.05.07 18.14a14 14 0 01-.17 4.83c-.66 2.57-2.48 4.65-4.24 6.64a35.21 35.21 0 00-6.09 8.54c-1.44 3.2-1.9 7-.41 10.2a7.35 7.35 0 011 2.69c.1 2.08-2.08 3.4-3.68 4.73-6 5-5.75 14-5.8 21.83a110.71 110.71 0 01-10.39 46.19 14.11 14.11 0 0015.77-2.06 52.55 52.55 0 01-3.58 10.32c5.08 2.46 11.21-1.58 13.76-6.62s2.85-10.9 4.66-16.25 5-10 6.41-15.39c.45-1.78.73-3.68 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