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7.74 6.38 10.63 6.38 10.63l1.68-.26a8.41 8.41 0 01-.91 1.86 7 7 0 01-2.4 2.3 7.66 7.66 0 01-3 1.15 8.47 8.47 0 00-6.12 3.27c-2.08 2.92-3.31 6.84 1.16 10.07l15.94 4.82s27.19 2.48 25.52-3.54-2.74-11.3-2.74-11.3a24.13 24.13 0 00-2.61-10.68 12.19 12.19 0 00-1-1.55l.95-.15s1.47-13.49 4-16.14c.58-.62.7-1.07.55-1.42.24-.74-.46-1.14-1.36-1.35-.06.18-.12.35-.17.54A12.65 12.65 0 00683 764s-1.15-7 1.61-9.66a2.67 2.67 0 00.47-2.11 11.38 11.38 0 00-.4-2.85s-.06.11-.1.17c-1.69-6.32-6.95-16.27-6.95-16.27s-.46-6.38 1.2-9-1.56-34.7-1.56-34.7.06-15.57-2.2-22.73 1.77-15.85 1.77-15.85 0-.17-.07-.46a.49.49 0 00.05-.11s-.13-1-.35-2.44v.15c-.6-4.1-1.73-11.52-2.48-14.94-1.07-4.86-.87-28.33-.87-28.33l3.58-10.16 7.7 17 8.36 22.71s3.9 4.71 4.17 9.63v2.26a13.69 13.69 0 002.6 8.11s2.4 10.78 5.58 13.43 3.4 8 3.4 8 4.34 15.61 6.21 18.31c1.57 2.28 1.9 8.69 2 10.65v.57s.74 5.61.9 10.35v1.56a16.65 16.65 0 01-.31 3.85c0 .06 0 .14-.06.22v-.8a40.35 40.35 0 00-.75 9.86c.12 5.67 1.24 12.34 4.82 16.15 6.2 6.59 9.91 5.59 9.91 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3.61-11.44-2.94-15.45-2.94-15.45-4.93-17.3-4-22-4-15.84-4-15.84l-2-13.36c-8.26-12.97-5.76-25.2-5.76-25.2l-.8-20.66s-7.5-39.8-9.13-60c-1-12.94-1.57-30.62-1.81-41.66-.14-6.2-.19-10.3-.19-10.3l91.62-13.12s.07 4.25 2.19 13.6c1.13 5 2.86 11.5 5.48 19.59 7.5 23.16 4.13 40.78 4.13 40.78l.29 29.63s8.85 19.49 7.41 26.37a56.78 56.78 0 00-1.19 12.4s19.76 42.53 18.33 55.17 7.2 32.13 7.2 32.13 2.65 13.97.67 17.89z" fill="#575988"/><path d="M642.84 605.29l27.86-4.81s-15.2 16.8-27.86 4.81z" opacity=".05"/><path d="M665.6 573.28s1.34 9.86-4.59 13.82c0 0 10.8-2.12 4.59-13.82zm-2.93-31.45S640 562 631.43 560.73s31.24-18.9 31.24-18.9zm-54.17 73.84s-17.64 4.71-17.9 11.88 17.9-11.88 17.9-11.88z" opacity=".1"/><path d="M615.81 704.31s-24.94 5.65-17.69 8.57 19.07 5 19.07 5 8.1.14-1.38-13.57zm-22.57 13.83a5 5 0 01-2.43-3.55l-.24.46s-2.13 5.84 2 8.24c. 1.54-.3 2.3-.53 3.42-.98 1.17-3.03-2.98-5.43zm32.26-2.94c.67-.67.58-2.3.08-4.39-1.07 1.7-1.25 4.27-1.19 6.22a4.89 4.89 0 011.11-1.83zm-7.9-105.82a29 29 0 00-1.4 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00-2.73 6.5l.11 3c.44-1.11 1.08-2.59 2-4.35a13 13 0 00.73-5.31c-.06.06-.08.11-.11.16zm-30.92 4.55a42.06 42.06 0 001.9-5.14s-3.59 1-9.6-5.6c-4.37-4.8-5-14.15-4.61-20.29-.93 3.66-2.05 18.84 4 25.43 3.89 4.31 6.78 5.38 8.31 5.6zm-12.92-46.79a116.39 116.39 0 01.91 12.6 16.38 16.38 0 01.36-2c.93-3.66-.62-15.75-.62-15.75s-.11-8.53-1.92-11.23-6-18.32-6-18.32-.2-5.32-3.29-8-5.44-13.41-5.44-13.41a13.93 13.93 0 01-2.48-9.07c.43-5.35-4-10.93-4-10.93l-8.19-22.75-7.48-17-3.45 10.2v3.24l2.8-8.25 7.48 17 8.13 22.72s4.48 5.59 4 10.93a14 14 0 002.48 9.08s2.34 10.78 5.42 13.44 3.3 8 3.3 8 4.22 15.62 6 18.32 1.99 11.18 1.99 11.18z" opacity=".05"/><path d="M659.3 273.81l-1.3 7.84.23 3.45.16 2.55-8.84 1.26-1.07-1.8c-2-3.26-6.05-9.89-7.32-10.89-1.7-1.31-5.46-22.81-1.89-21.67a9.34 9.34 0 015.12 4.29s17.53 1.33 14.91 14.97z" fill="#ffcdd3"/><path d="M658.39 287.65l-8.84 1.26-1.07-1.8a7.85 7.85 0 019.75-2z" opacity=".1"/><path d="M660.8 291.78l-11.61 3.16-.32-1.73-.84-4.67s4.4-6.36 11.28-2l.68 2.37z" 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