@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
{ |
"basePath": "本地缓存路径,包括接口数据,图片等", |
"telegramToken": "telegram 机器人申请的API Token", |
"chatId": "推送目标聊天的唯一标识符或目标频道的用户名", |
"anonfilesToken": " 申请的API Token", |
"mode": "Pixiv排行榜类型,有效值:daily/weekly/monthly/rookie/daily_r18/weekly_r18/male_r18/female_r18/r18g,分别是日榜/周榜/月榜/新人榜/日榜r18/周榜r18/受男性欢迎r18/受女性欢迎r18/r18g", |
"content": "Pixiv排行榜类型,有效值:illust/ugoira/manga/,分别是插画/动图/漫画", |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ |
#!/bin/bash |
config_file=$1 |
if [ -z $config_file ] |
then |
echo 'The cache directory must be specified' |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ ! -f $config_file ] |
then |
echo 'config file:$config_file not found' |
exit 1 |
fi |
if [ ! -f `which jq` ] |
then |
echo 'To run this script, you need to install jq,' |
exit 1 |
else |
echo "jq version:`jq --version`" |
fi |
basePath=`cat $config_file|jq -r .basePath` |
if [ ! -f $basePath ] |
then |
mkdir -p $basePath |
fi |
cd $basePath |
telegramToken=`cat $config_file | jq -r .telegramToken` |
baseApi="$telegramToken" |
chat_id=`cat $config_file | jq .chatId` |
mode=`cat $config_file | jq -r .mode` |
content=`cat $config_file | jq -r .content` |
rank_url="$mode&content=$content&p=1&format=json" |
today=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"` |
_today=`echo $today|sed -e 's/-/\\\\-/g'` |
rank_json=$today.json |
commands_file=$ |
anonfiles_token=`cat $config_file | jq .anonfilesToken` |
touch $commands_file && chmod +x $commands_file |
sleep 30 |
curl -v -d chat_id=$chat_id -d parse_mode=HTML -d text="Pixiv排行榜已更新,30秒后开始处理<a href='$mode%26content%3D$content'>$today日榜</a>数据。%0A%0A<strong>排名是什么?</strong>%0A排名是以pixiv上所有公开作品为对象的统计以及排名。%0A毎日0:00~23时59分59秒的阅览树・「赞!」数等为排名的依据,期结果由pixiv独自的算法「pixiv rank β」决定。统计结果于每日中午12:00公开。%0A<a href=''>有关排行榜</a>" $baseApi/sendMessage |
if [ ! -f $rank_json ] |
then |
echo "get data from $rank_url" |
curl -v $rank_url >$rank_json |
fi |
length=`jq '.contents|length' $rank_json` |
fileCountSize=0 |
maxSize=2500 |
fileList='' |
media='' |
fileCount=0 |
maxFileCount=10 |
tarFile=$today.tar.gz |
originalFileList='' |
for index in `seq 1 $length` |
do |
index=$((index-1)) |
pid=`jq --argjson index $index '.contents[$index].illust_id' $rank_json` |
artworkLink="$pid" |
rank=`jq --argjson index $index '.contents[$index].rank' $rank_json` |
yes_rank=`jq --argjson index $index '.contents[$index].yes_rank' $rank_json` |
if [ $yes_rank -eq 0 ] |
then |
rank_info="#首次登场" |
else |
rank_info="\#rank$rank 之前 \#rank$yes_rank" |
fi |
echo "pid=$pid,artworkLink=$artworkLink,rank_info=$rank_info" |
png_html_file=$pid.html |
if [ ! -f $png_html_file ] |
then |
sleep 1 |
echo "get data from $artworkLink" |
curl -v $artworkLink >$png_html_file |
fi |
json_file=$pid.json |
if [ ! -f $json_file ] |
then |
egrep -o "content='{\"timestamp.*].{3}" $png_html_file | sed -e "s/content='//" >$json_file |
fi |
pageCount=`jq --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].pageCount' $json_file` |
original_url=`jq --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].urls.original' $json_file | sed -e 's/\"//g'` |
small_url=`jq --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].urls.small' $json_file | sed -e 's/\"//g'` |
title=`jq -r --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].title' $json_file` |
description=`jq -r --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].description' $json_file` |
userName=`jq -r --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].userName' $json_file` |
userId=`jq -r --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].userId' $json_file` |
likeCount=`jq --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].likeCount' $json_file` |
bookmarkCount=`jq --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].bookmarkCount' $json_file` |
viewCount=`jq --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].viewCount' $json_file` |
tag=`jq -r --arg pid $pid '.illust[$pid].tags.tags[].tag' $json_file|sed -e 's/^/\\#/g'|sed ':a;N;s/\n/ /;t a;'` |
echo -e "pageCount=$pageCount,original_url=$original_url,small_url=$small_url\n\ |
title=$title,description=$description,userName=$userName\n\ |
likeCount=$likeCount,bookmarkCount=$bookmarkCount,viewCount=$viewCount\n\ |
tag=$tag" |
for page in `seq 1 $pageCount` |
do |
page=$((page - 1)) |
page_original_url=`echo $original_url | sed -e "s/p0/p$page/"` |
page_small_url=`echo $small_url | sed -e"s/p0/p$page/"` |
original_file_name=`echo $page_original_url | egrep -o "$pid.*"` |
small_file_name=`echo $page_small_url | egrep -o "$pid.*"` |
echo "download image file name=$original_file_name,url=$page_original_url" |
if [ ! -f $original_file_name ] |
then |
curl -v -H 'referer:' $page_original_url -o $original_file_name |
fi |
originalFileList="$originalFileList $original_file_name" |
echo "download image file name=$small_file_name,url=$page_small_url" |
if [ ! -f $small_file_name ] |
then |
curl -v -H 'referer:' $page_small_url -o $small_file_name |
fi |
if [ $page -eq 0 ] |
then |
media="$media,{\"type\":\"photo\",\"media\":\"attach://$small_file_name\",\"parse_mode\":\"HTML\",\"caption\":\"$rank_info\n<a href=\\\"$artworkLink\\\">$title</a>\n<a href=\\\"$userId\\\">$userName</a>\n$tag\"}" |
fileList=$fileList' -F '$small_file_name'=@'$basePath'/'$small_file_name |
fileCount=$((fileCount + 1)) |
fileSize=`du $small_file_name | awk '{print $1}'` |
fileCountSize=$((fileCountSize + fileSize)) |
echo "fileCountSize=$fileCountSize,fileCount=$fileCount" |
fi |
if [[ $fileCountSize -gt $maxSize || $fileCount -eq $maxFileCount ]] |
then |
echo "sleep 1m" >>$commands_file |
echo "curl -v -F chat_id=$chat_id $fileList -F media='[`echo $media | cut -c 2-`]' $baseApi/sendMediaGroup" >>$commands_file |
echo >>$commands_file |
echo >>$commands_file |
echo >>$commands_file |
fileCountSize=0 |
fileList='' |
media='' |
fileCount=0 |
fi |
done |
done |
if [ $fileCount -gt 0 ] |
then |
echo "curl -v -F chat_id=$chat_id $fileList -F media='[`echo $media | cut -c 2-`]' $baseApi/sendMediaGroup" >>$commands_file |
fi |
sed -i '1d' $commands_file |
hasSend=$today.hasSend |
if [ ! -f $hasSend ] |
then |
bash -c ./$commands_file |
touch $hasSend |
fi |
if [ ! -f $tarFile ] |
then |
tar -zcvf $tarFile $originalFileList |
fi |
uploadResFile=$today.upload |
if [ ! -f $uploadResFile ] |
then |
curl -v -F "file=@$tarFile" -F token=$anonfiles_token -o $uploadResFile |
fi |
shortUrl=`cat $uploadResFile | jq -r .data.file.url.short` |
readable=`cat $uploadResFile | jq -r .data.file.metadata.size.readable|sed -e 's/\./\\\\./'` |
echo "shortUrl=$shortUrl,readable=$readable" |
curl -v -d text="$_today日榜原图($readable)已打包上传到服务器,[下载地址]($shortUrl) \#图包下载 \#资源下载 \#下载" -d chat_id=$chat_id -d parse_mode=MarkdownV2 $baseApi/sendMessage |
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